Where can I sell my Fez Hydra?

Hi,I’d like to sell my Fez Hydra…where can I post?
Is there the possibility inside the forum?(ex. shop).
I don’t want to go against the rules…thanks to all.

This is okay. Put some contact info and interested users will contact you.

Thanks a lot.
I sell Ghi Fez Hydra basic Kit + 10 10cm IDC CABLES + Enc28 Ethernet module = 140€+delivery (I live in Italy).
The kit is new (just updated the firmware with network version and tested).
If you are interested please reply to this post and I will contact you.


this is almost the price in $ of the package…

I didn’t know that the parity Dollar / Euros was “so” high :slight_smile:

Last month I paid 156€ (205$) for all that items. (bought from US of course).

I understand the price now :slight_smile:

But, if you look at the prices in europe, you will find

Basic Kit = 93 € (with VAT)
Enc28 : 32 € (with VAT)
Wire : 23 (with VAT

Total = 148 (VAT include) but no delivery

See no offense in my analysis, but this is just that “second hand” should be really cheaper than new one :slight_smile:

Good luck anyway

No problem,you are welcome!:slight_smile:
You’re right,but 1 month ago I did not find ENC28 in Europe and so i bought all in US…of course this post is adviced in particular mode for italian users…

la cifra è un po alta, ma a me interessa se fai qualche sconticino… sono a Bergamo.

Sorry for italian language ,

Ciao,lasciami la tua mail così ti contatto in privato.

dome at ledonet.it

Ciao e grazie

Sorry to hijack the post but I have a nano board (http://gadgeteerguy.com/Catalog/tabid/138/Default.aspx) and modules if anyone would like to buy this. I’ll do an exceptional price. Please reply to the post with your email and I’ll contact you that way. Cheers.

@ shapingstuff really as I was just thinking about ordering some of their stuff for testing. Send me an email to (email address removed) and let me know where you are (ie for postage) and how much and what you have.

I’ve put a nano board and modules on ebay: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/270997625404?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649.

It’s a bargain.

I’m gonna stick with the spider and buy some more modules if I can flog it.