What glue for electronics?

Any advise on suggested glues for pcb and related electronics? Want glue a pcb into an enclosure(as well as screws)…i always use a glue gun but was a bad idea!

I used 3M VHB Tape

What about a glue? Tape will only work for specific cases. eg glueing cables or adhoc items

Do you plan to remove this glue some day? If not then any quick curing epoxy will do.

Most likely not to be removed. Is epoxy neutral curing?

Will it affect PVC wires or Solder Masks? Likely not.

Henkels (used to be Loctite) has an entire line of adhesives just for electronics. Too many in fact and you have to do a little reading to figure out which one of their many products is right for your application. The good news is they have excellent tech support and I’ve called them a couple of times and quickly narrowed down the list to a few choices.


Digikey also has 100s of glues for electronic assembly from a range of vendors.


We also use hot glue for a variety of electronic applications and it generally works fine for us.