Weight Measurement

Is there any component available that I could meassure the weight of an object?


load cells are apparently quite hard to find…

that is a bit of a hack, but might give you ideas?

You can use flex or force sensors like these http://www.sparkfun.com/commerce/categories.php?c=143

Thank you both for your help. I’m new to FEZ and robotics, but i’m Visual Studio developer. I’m planning to build system to mix colors and I need information about how much color goes into process of mixing. These Flex Sensors are interesting, I must figure out how do I connect them to FEZ.

[quote]Brian, I accidentally cleared this message and I apologize.

  • Howler (Josh)[/quote]

The project has unfortunately never started, but in near future, I’ll need sensors that you described. I’ll contact you soon.
