WatchDog Reset

Looks like it should be easy. From the STM32F405 docs:

A system reset sets all registers to their reset values except the reset flags in the clock
controller CSR register and the registers in the Backup domain (see Figure 4).
A system reset is generated when one of the following events occurs:

  1. A low level on the NRST pin (external reset)
  2. Window watchdog end of count condition (WWDG reset)
  3. Independent watchdog end of count condition (IWDG reset)
  4. A software reset (SW reset) (see Software reset)
  5. Low-power management reset (see Low-power management reset)
    Software reset
    The reset source can be identified by checking the reset flags in the RCC clock control &
    status register (RCC_CSR).

Bit 29 IWDGRSTF: Independent watchdog reset flag
This bit is set by hardware when an independent watchdog reset from VDD domain occurs.
Cleared by writing to the RMVF bit.
0: No watchdog reset occurred
1: Watchdog reset occurred [/quote]