Is it possible to cause the watchdog to set a pin high when it’s resetting the device? I want to alert the rest of the electronics that the uC has been reset.
The watchdog can tell you if the last reset was normal or a watchdog reset.
Then you can inform your peripherial hardware.
So, let the firmware inform the hardware; and let that be the very first thing that the firmware does.
I was not aware of this. Do you think that’s available in the STM32F405 (Cerb-Family) CPU as well? I might have to go digging into the CPU docs to see if I can implement that. Hopefully, I just have to read a bit out of one of the registers or something.
It’s always been a fear of mine that the device gets into some infinite loop of rebooting itself with the watchdog. This flag could allow me to start in a “safe” mode if the watchdog was the cause of the reboot…
@ Valkrie, you’ve read my mind.
It’s a property in the Watchdog class:
Premium 4.2: GHI.Premium.Hardware.LowLevel.Watchdog.LastResetCause
OSHW 4.2: ?
4.3: GHI.Processor.Watchdog.LastResetCause
Most/Some processors store the reset cause in a register you can read back.
I saw this in Codeshare,
… this new version uses RLP to capture the WDT Warning interrupt in native code before WDT resets the system in order to perform a graceful shutdown.
You could then set a pin high before shutting down.
@ stevepx - Is this what you are referring to?
@ Valkrie, you’ve read my mind.
Looks like it should be easy. From the STM32F405 docs:
A system reset sets all registers to their reset values except the reset flags in the clock
controller CSR register and the registers in the Backup domain (see Figure 4).
A system reset is generated when one of the following events occurs:
- A low level on the NRST pin (external reset)
- Window watchdog end of count condition (WWDG reset)
- Independent watchdog end of count condition (IWDG reset)
- A software reset (SW reset) (see Software reset)
- Low-power management reset (see Low-power management reset)
Software reset
The reset source can be identified by checking the reset flags in the RCC clock control &
status register (RCC_CSR).
Bit 29 IWDGRSTF: Independent watchdog reset flag
This bit is set by hardware when an independent watchdog reset from VDD domain occurs.
Cleared by writing to the RMVF bit.
0: No watchdog reset occurred
1: Watchdog reset occurred [/quote]
@ Valkyrie, Then that means the pins will be in a guaranteed state on the Cerb devices upon watchdog reset?
@ Valkyrie, Then that means the pins will be in a guaranteed state on the Cerb devices upon watchdog reset?
Not sure what you mean… The reset flag gets set and appears to stay set until it is cleared. I don’t know if they accumulate or not. When I say accumulate, I mean the flags all start at 0, but when you reset a flag gets set to 1. Then if you reset a different way, the first flag stays 1 and the other corresponding flag gets set to 1…? I dunno.
But in any case, I added this reset state checking to my codeshare for the Watchdog timer. You can find it here:
Look at the usage sample for how to use it.
The watchdog state looks right, but I don’t know about the others.