Need to make some updates to an old project running on an EMX FEZ Cobra 1.3 board with LCD.
Exisiting hardware and software all working fine but no development has been done on it in over 5 years,
When I came to fire up VS2013 Community Edition it moans about lack of valid license, refuses to connect online (“service not available”) and then the only option is to quit. Tried installing on another machine that’s not seen VS2013 before and it runs in 30 day eval mode but similarly refuses to go online to extend this.
I’m not posting here for VS2013 support but I am interested if anybody else here is having this issue as I suspect the remaining .netmf community is one of the last groups to be still using this VS version. I’m on 2022 for desktop projects.
If VS2013 cannot be resurrected (it maybe a temporary problem, I’m not sure at the moment) then are there any other options for this project? Can later VS versions be used?
I’ve only a few small changes to make to the code. Thought this was going to be a couple of hours work. Wasn’t expecting to hit the brick wall of being locked out of the development environment.