Voice recognition module

I did see that … But I figured that since he 1,084 exp he was here for FEZ, but I didn’t ask and you’re right it should be a separate thread.

@ mhectorgato - good catch, I missed that, blowing through these posts too fast…

@ donnovan - my apologies, carry on…

does anyone knows what type of modulation technique used in EasyVR speech recognition module?

@ Nicolas3 -
I know there are not the suitable place, but I understand that (voice recognition) is accurately defined as (voiceprint or voice ID), which is specific and unique to each person individually.
It seems from the voice pre-programmed command libraries in EasyVR that it works on (speech recognition). I expect it to recognise the correct pronounciation from any body.
But, I plan to use EasyVR to build a system that works on VOICE RECOGNITION.
What do I need to do in this case?

Im Rurry, how to get ths software…

  1. Sensory Quick Synthesis 5
  2. Quick T2SI

How to get it, i really need for my thesis.