Visual Studio Online services SUCKS

Hi again

I have seriously spent hours on trying to get source control to work with the online services provided by Microsoft to manage source code. It looks extremely promising but it works really bad.

Anyone using this service with VS2012 and NetMF?

I spent a couple minutes playing with it then wondered why I would ever use it instead of GitHub.

I actually use it for my clients source code. I’ve yet to have any issues with it what so ever.
Though, I am using 2012.

What problems are you having?

Also give BitBucket a try. Slick set of tools, that, and for free, even private repositories.

I’m actually using it right now helping a friend with his project. Although, I haven’t actually used the site for anything except setting up my account. I use the Git command line for everything else.

It all depends on what you want. BitBucket is wonderful from our experience, 0 down time thus far, great issue tracker (JIRA) that integrates into the repository.

However, for a paid service, I would highly recommend GitHub. The extensive amount of tools they have are worth the money for a private repository. I love the punch card feature.

@ ianlee74 - I have been beating my head against the wall trying to learn how to use GitHub. Do you or someone know of a good tutorial that this old man can learn from. I really want to use it.

GitHub specifically or just Git in general? There’s not much to using GitHub. I’ve learned it mostly from clicking around and finding things. So, no tutorial there that I can recommend.

However, I suspect you are actually asking about Git in general and this is where I would tell you to start regardless. Learn the Git command line interface. The GUIs will only confuse you. Its kind of like drawing a 4D object in a 2D space… After you understand some basics about the command line interface, the interface of GitHub will seem very intuitive. I’ve learned Git first through my co-workers and then added bits & pieces of knowledge as I needed it. There are a few Git books available. I haven’t ready any all the way through. So, I can’t make a recommendation. There are only a few commands you really need to know to do 95% of everything you’ll do in Git. I’d start here:

Maybe others have other suggestions.

“Pro Git” is definitely the canonical resource.

For me, I was already very familiar with Subversion, having implemented it at the company I currently work for back in (sheesh, I had to look this up…) August 2002, at version 0.27, and adminstrating our repositories ever since. Needless to say, Git was a hard sell for me, but I’ve (mostly) come around. What really got me over the hump (and with Git, there’s a hump, if you’re coming from centralized version control) was a couple of “Git for Svn users” tutorials, specifically:

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@ ianlee74 - @ godefroi - Thanks, I know I have to pay my dues. Just needed something to get me over the hump.

I’ve been using the Visual Studio online source control system since it was first launched to host and I’ve never had an issue with it. I’ve got a private build server setup in my basement as well that connects to the service and does CI builds upon check-in along with scheduled builds for generating releases.

Not sure why you’re having issues though, you weren’t very elaborate on what you were having trouble with.

  1. Create account
  2. Create project on account
  3. Connect Visual Studio to project using Team Explorer

That’s pretty much it.

I think the core issue is that they try to be compatible with all versions of VS. I am using VS2012, and it keeps saying where to download the VS2013 version, which is a no go from netmf point of view.

The source code control does not pop up in the VS2012 interface at all, and trying to find out why there is no plug-in/add-on/whatever is really tedious and cumbersome.

Furthermore, if you want source code control, and not project management your are left with a truck full of wannabe fancy features that really disturbs your view.

Thank you for providing this information.

While we’re (still) on the topic, I’d like to say that while a hear ago, I had “mostly” come around, I’d like to say that now, I’m 100% in the Git camp, and I’ve come to understand time and again over the last year how much Subversion damages your brain.

Subversion’s goal was to “build a better CVS”, and that they accomplished, but they certainly did not break any new ground in the VCS world. They’re still doing things the CVS way, and the rest of the world moved on to better ways.

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@ godefroi - hear hear!