Virtual Display

I am interested in ‘capturing’ screens in order to include in documentation. I suppose that I could use the OnFlush event. Is there a way to write the display byte array to a BMP file (or GIF or JPG)?


Write to bitmap file is easy, you may just need add 54 bytes bmp header.

For GIF or JPG, we only support read and decode, not encode from array.

@trichins has a great idea here. Can we add something to the media NuGet to support making bitmaps?

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yes, we can.

Up vote on this too. Being able to grab quality images for documents would be good. Taking shots from an SLR on a tripod doesn’t give the best image.

The ideal way is to grab these via the USB port? Is this possible?

If image buffer is available could a version of VNC server be created to allows remote access to the device screen?

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You can do VNC today. I love the idea.

Is VNC already in TinyCLR? :astonished:

No but I was hoping you are the one to add :grin:


skeller, have you made a VNC server yet? :slight_smile:

Gus, do you plan to support jpeg or png encoding in TinyCLR 2 ?

As a stretch goal, yes. We need a serious commercial need for any feature to be added at a priority.

and VNC Server - stretch goal?

We have not seen a single serious commercial inquiry about this. But I personally would love to see it.

here’s what google found

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Great! Now we need a champion to jump in and port to TinyCLR

I am not getting the OnFlush event. How do I enable it ?

Please see the example for SPI display

I have reviewed the tutorials. I see the OnFlushEvent handler shown. But somewhere, I need to "register’ my handler?

Can’t find the SPI display example