Video: Environment Sensors to the cloud and twitter

Duke shared this project on our code-share demonstrating how easy it is to connect sensors to the cloud. He benefited from the plug-and-play gadgeteer modules to add few gas sensor, temperature sensor, barometer sensor. Through the Ethernet module, these sensors are connect to the internet, to an internet-of-things website called Things Speak. This allows for creating low-cost automated logging systems than can be monitored over the internet, anywhere around the world. This was extended further by sending a tweet when some triggers are raised.

Here is an interesting video demonstration (Thanks Duke)

.NET Gadgeteer:
Original post on codeshare:
ThingSpeak liked this project and blogged about it: Real-time Gas Sensor System with Microsoft Gadgeteer and ThingSpeak » Hans on IoT - MATLAB & Simulink



Excellent! Very COOL!

Great job and amazing modules !

I will have a look at ThingSpaeak, it seems very interesting !