I have been debugging a large VB program and having lots of debug issues and decided to try to find the cause. With the following not so long program, I can crash Visual Studio (2012 or 2013) every time by simply waiting for the stop, then using the curser to see the present value of I. Using the immediate window to find the value will also crash VB.
Local variables declaired inside the sub can be explored without issue.
Similar code in C# using Static instead of Private works just peachy.
This happens with the emulator, so this is not a GHI issue, and none of their dlls are loaded.
Option Explicit On
Option Strict On
Imports Microsoft.SPOT
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices
Namespace MFConsoleApplication1
Public Module Module1
Private I As Integer = 1
Sub Main()
End Sub
End Module
End Namespace
I would like to post this as a bug, but am not sure where. Perhaps GitHub - NETMF/netmf-interpreter: .NET Micro Framework Interpreter on GitHub?
Presumably the issue is in Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll
This occurs running
Microsoft.Spot.Native 4.3.1
mscorlib 4.3.1
Microsoft.Visualbasic (v4.0.30319)