USBizi open and GHI's NETMF OSHW SDK v4.2

[title]Beta SDK[/title]
We are happy to bring you the all new OSHW SDK for NETMF 4.2. It includes FEZ Cerberus and FEZ Hydra. The 4.2 beta SDK will follow shortly.

You will also notice a new addition to the SDK, USBiziOpen. This is an all open source OSHW release for USBizi chipset and its derivatives, FEZ Panda, FEZ Panda II, FEZ Mini and FEZ Rhino. The sources are located at and the wiki for this is here The port is still early but it is tested to boot and deploy simple application.

Please see release notes for info.

[title]The Plan[/title]
We will be releasing at least one more 4.1 package to cover the latest modules but from there on, it will be all NETMF and gadgeteer 4.2.
As for FEZ Cerberus, which is based on STM32F4, we are sadly seeing too many redundant work by users and by companies. There is at least Cerberus/netduino/Oberon and ST discovery board. We are calling on everyone to join forces and have a one golden STMF4 port on codeplex, that we all contribute to and benefit from. After all, isn’t this is what open source is about? Any ideas and suggestions?

Woo! Hoo! Guess I know what I’m doing this weekend.

Are any new module drivers included in this release?

Aren’t the STM port variants all based on the same original port? Or, at least I believe Cerebus and Netduino GO are.

I have no idea bout oberon or the discovery board ports. Any links? Search is not turning up anything.

This is all I could find on oberon


Re: the STM32F4 port, you may remember that I suggested this exact thing weeks ago:

This is NETMF release fro OSHW boards, not gadgeteer.

STM32F1 (original port) and new STM32F4 are very similar yet have enough differences to cause some troubles and week of work. Oberon (the F1 port makers) are working on F4 port but that is not out yet I believe. What is available today is from GHI and netduino, 2 open source projects for the exact same processor! Users also are interested in the ST discoveryboard, this is from ST. You can find the info on the wiki.

Not to forget that a chip can be booted with NETMF in few days but then you spend months tweaking things and adding peripheral drivers. It would be great if we do not all work on the same thing!

As it’s GHI’s port, I think it’s GHI’s place to create a central place that we can work on this port. I’m all for CodePlex, or wherever.

Of the code that’s been released so far, Netduino’s gives me more “warm fuzzy” feelings, for two reasons:

[ol]they’re using the correct include for the STM32F4 instead of a modified STM32F1 header
they’ve got support (supposedly) for compiling with GCC. Given the performance of GCC 4.6, and the amount of flash available on Cerberus/Cerb40/Netduino, I think it’s a more viable option, especially if there is any hope for contributions for the community, who generally won’t have access to RVDS.[/ol]

I’m not experienced enough to evaluate the differences in the startup code, I only know that there ARE some differences.


now I am very puzzled, I have looked at the open uzbizi code at for some long time not understanding what it was, now the same code is on codeplex and claimed to be directly from GHI?

really puzzled, asfaik uzbizi support usb host and device? in the open uzbizi is some usb_platform file but there what I see are references to

Freescale and iMS

how does this all relate to uzbizi ??


Gus, I think you, Chris Walker, and the folks at Oberon should get together for dinner and come up with a good solution. I doubt this is a problem that can be solved in this forum.

Hi Gus,
the firmware folder is missing the .sig files therefore we can’t update the firmware…
updater says missing .sig image.

I guess we should be using MFDeploy to flash the firmware since we are not updating the boot loader…

you may want to mention it here…


Just wanted to drop in and say thanks for the open source release of USBizi. Great move!

This is very exciting news. Thank you!

Is there source available for this release of the Cerberus firmware?

We are still discussing if to zip it, post on gadgeteer codeplex or in its own codeplex.

Great GUS, but what are the plan for FEZ Spider ?

Great news on the update!

When will the changes in the Cerberus firmware be updated on the Cerberus firmware / software status page? ( GHI Electronics – Where Hardware Meets Software ) Or is that page still correct?

Working on it guys, sorry about the delays

Gus, you have been very quiet lately. There must be some exciting things about ready to hatch. :smiley:

@ Mike, but that typically ends up causing me to flex my credit card !! :o 8)