USB Debugging Interface

I would like to know how I can develop a USB debugging interface for USBizi to enable me transfer my code and debug same. I am looking to using the USBizi for a project, the FEZ lines would have been perfect but they dont quite fit into how I’d like the project to be. I have read the pin-out brochures, and the manual too, but, probably due to my inexperience, I can’t still figure it out.

Please I would appreciate any assistance in this regard (schematics, circuit designs etc).



Welcome to the community.

Everything you need is under Support – GHI Electronics
Look for USB Client

in this case, just use the scematics and board files from the Panda II or Domino depending on whether you want to use USBizi100 or USBizi144. GHI freely provide those and you can modify the board and make a new shape based on the GHI experience in making these boards.

Well thank you guys. I’ll sure look into your suggestions.