I am modifying this post because I may know why I had the cash…
I forgot that in the past I had some problems using a auxiliary power supply connected to the USB Client DP AND ALSO had a power connection to my USB Hub.
I just noticed that when I booted up this morning I had BOTH power connections and I should have had ONLY the USB Client DP connected to my auxiliary power supply.
I am pretty sure that caused the problem…
… End Mod…
This morning (1 AM) I started my PC and I had Crash Dump and forced Startup Repair that failed. About two hours later I got my PC back.
The Spider had running code when I last used it. The last main board used was my G400HDR/G400-D that I had problems with deploy that finally worked and the application ran as intended.
I try not to boot with a USB connection but I forgot and had a USB connection to my Spider when I booted my PC.
At this point I would like to ask what USB driver should I be using on a Windows 7 64 Bit?
GHI drivers or the WinUSB driver?
I usually use my Spider and/or my new G400.
I also have another question. (Is more than one at a time allowed?)
The USB Friendly name for the spider is Gadgeteer.
Is the USB Friendly name for the G400 - G400?
No gripes… Just two questions.