
That is a joke, right? If that would be true (and I wish it would), then we should expect to see a new powerful mainboard coming (or something like Raspberry Pi 2 running NETMF). But @ Gus has told us that he sees no need for any further CPU power increase for NETMF :frowning:

Anyway, I could use my 500 Mbps internet connection to see how well does your server handle many simultaneous connections :whistle:

We have a datacenter full of interconnected NETMF boards running the latest in managed network stack technology. We are fully prepared for your assault. Now Iā€™m off to see the Wizard.


Itā€™s not April 1 yetā€¦ whatā€™s going on here :open_mouth:


@ jasdev - we donā€™t know and we will never tell! :whistle:

I believe!. :stuck_out_tongue:

Another change leaked! (below)


Must be running Secret Labs fancy new network stack :open_mouth:


Oh no he didnā€™t double snap


WHAT? 400Mhz is the final limit? :frowning:

At least we can still get more ram for it


Website had to go down for the upgrade :stuck_out_tongue:


@ Josh - It feels more responsive. It was kind of slow lately. :clap:

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@ Architect - I knew there was a reason we were keeping @ Josh around! 8)

@ Josh - Just joking, please donā€™t change all my passwords! :whistle:


Iā€™ll second that. It is super quick now.

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Yes very responsive (netmf board farm is impressive ! :smiley: :D).

Thanks !

If they were to start charging for the ram download, the people targeted by these 2 products would buy it:

and these:

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Pics or it didnā€™t happen ā€¦ :whistle:

[quote][em]AudioQuestā€™s Diamond RJ/E is a directional Ethernet cable made with the same hallmark materials, philosophy, care and attention that is applied to all their interconnects, whether itā€™s an entry level introduction to hi-fi or a died-in-the-wool music connoisseur

Lol. Illiterate people selling ridiculous products to gullible people.