Upgrading Firmware - Stuck on Erase


I’m upgrading the firmware (for FEZ Cobra), but it seems to be stuck while erasing. It is still sitting at that spot (10 mins later). What should I do? (its still connected and at the same point)

Extract from teminal:

Erase all memory! Are you sure?

What should I do? Please help!


Hi Ross,

my FEZ Cobra returns


and yours


So I didn’t know the difference ???

Have you seen the video for updating the FEZ Cobra?

[url]- YouTube

I have updated my FEZ Cobra several times wihout any problems

Did you use the USB port only for powering or an external power supply?

Make sure you have enough power. Keep waiting as long as you see stars coming back

I have followed the video. it just seems to have gotten stuck. I have done it several times with EMX development board, this was the first time I tried with FEZ Cobra.

Its been sitting on this for nearly 2 hours, so dont think its doing too much, or is going to…

What will happen if i unplug it and start again? Risk of bricking it?

I took the punt and resetted it. Worked out second time around. I hate flashing chips, always worried about killing them!

Not FEZ :slight_smile: You can NOT kill FEZ while re-flashing it, we have made sure of that :wink:

I didn watch the video cuz I dont have cobra, so I am not sure if this apply for cobra or just older boards, check to make sure on the transfer screen you select “1K”
