Updating Spider firmware failed!

ok, we definitely need GHI to comment on how to get Tinybooter “fixed” or if this is expected. Seems to me that this is the “issue”, but how it came about I dunno, nor why it’s become an issue after 10 days of apparently normal operation.

How did that happen?!

Can you please uninstall everything GHI from your pc and then start a new fresh installation?

Dont ask me you are the expert.

I just downloaded this sdk package from GHI:
GHI NETMF v4.2 and .NET Gadgeteer Package (10-24-2012).zip

  1. Made a uninstall of the SDK

  2. Rebooting Window 7

  3. Installing SDK.

Same result.

Cant update firmware without a fail, the fourth signature FAIL.

On the display I can se that is TinyBooter v4.2.0.0. under firmware update

It final showing:

Debug: USB1
LCD: 320x240

Waiting for debug commands…

It is very strange with the TinyBooter version v4.2.0.0.
I have never installed this SDK listed below.

SDK Version 0.0.1 BETA
June 15, 2012

Version Info

Important Note: Requires .NET Micro Framework 4.2 and Visual Studio 2010

• EMX v4.2.0.0, TinyBooter v4.2.0.0
• No GHI Premium NETMF Library yet

We are looking into this and will get back to you soon.

Result after installing the new SDK Version 1.0.0

Now the display showing this after TinyBooter update with TeraTerm:

TinyBooter v4.2.0.0
EMX Build Date:
Nov 29 2012 13:08:08
Copyright GHI Electronics
TinyBooter GHI Version

And after Firmware update with MFDeploy:

Pinging… TinyBooter
Bootloader build info: Copyright © GHI Electronics, LLC

Chk signature
Flash_WriteToSector failure @ 0x803fe450Chk siFlash_WriteToSector failure @ 0x8010061c, wrote 0x00000000, read 0x0000ffff
Failed WriteSector at location 80100400, size 400
Flash_WriteToSector failure @ 0x80101a74, wrote 0x00000000, read 0x0000ffff
Failed WriteSector at location 80101800, size 400
Flash_WriteToSector failure @ 0x80101e1c, wrote 0x00000000, read 0x0000ffff
Failed WriteSector at location 80101c00, size 400
Flash_WriteToSector failure @ 0x80102224, wrote 0x00000000, read 0x0000ffff
Failed WriteSector at location 80102000, size 400
Flash_WriteToSector failure @ 0x8010277c, wrote 0x00000000, read 0x0000ffff
Failed WriteSector at location 80102400, size 400
Flash_WriteToSector failure @ 0x80102bfc, wrote 0x00000000, read 0x0000ffff
Failed WriteSector at location 80102800, size 400
Flash_WriteToSector failure @ 0x80103214, wrote 0x00000000, read 0x0000ffff
Failed WriteSector at location 80103000, size 400
Flash_WriteToSector failure @ 0x80104630, wrote 0x00000048, read 0x0000ffff
Failed WriteSector at location 80104400, size 400
Flash_WriteToSector failure @ 0x80104b3a, wrote 0x00000000, read 0x0000ffff
Failed WriteSector at location 80104800, size 400
Flash_WriteToSector failure @ 0x80105eee, wrote 0x00000000, read 0x0000ffff
Failed WriteSector at location 80105c00, size 400
Flash_WriteToSector failure @ 0x80106e2e, wrote 0x00000000, read 0x0000ffff
Failed WriteSector at location 80106c00, size 400
Flash_WriteToSector failure @ 0x80107a6e, wrote 0x00000000, read 0x0000ffff
Failed WriteSector at location 80107800, size 400
Flash_WriteToSector failure @ 0x80109762, wrote 0x000002e4, read 0x0000ffff
Failed WriteSector at location 80109400, size 400
Flash_WriteToSector failure @ 0x80109e20, wrote 0x00000000, read 0x0000ffff
Failed WriteSector at location 80109c00, size 400
Flash_WriteToSector failure @ 0x8010b2e0, wrote 0x00000000, read 0x0000ffff
Failed WriteSector at location 8010b000, size 400
Flash_WriteToSector failure @ 0x8010be34, wrote 0x00001008, read 0x0000ffff
Failed WriteSector at location 8010bc00, size 400
Flash_WriteToSector failure @ 0x8010ce08, wrote 0x0000c8ac, read 0x0000ffff
Failed WriteSector at location 8010cc00, size 400
Flash_WriteToSector failure @ 0x8010d7e0, wrote 0x00000000, read 0x0000ffff
Failed WriteSector at location 8010d400, size 400
Flash_WriteToSector failure @ 0x8010da44, wrote 0x00000000, read 0x0000ffff
Failed WriteSector at location 8010d800, size 400
Flash_WriteToSector failure @ 0x8010def4, wrote 0x00008080, read 0x0000ffff
Failed WriteSector at location 8010dc00, size 400
Flash_WriteToSector failure @ 0x8010e604, wrote 0x00000000, read 0x0000ffff
Failed WriteSector at location 8010e400, size 400
Flash_WriteToSector failure @ 0x8010ee00, wrote 0x00002040, read 0x0000ffff
Failed WriteSector at location 8010ec00, size 400
Flash_WriteToSector failure @ 0x8010f7ae, wrote 0x00000000, read 0x0000ffff
Failed WriteSector at location 8010f400, size 400
Flash_WriteToSector failure @ 0x8010fe38, wrote 0x00000070, read 0x0000ffff
Failed WriteSector at location 8010fc00, size 400
Flash_WriteToSector failure @ 0x80110232, wrote 0x00005f4c, read 0x0000ffff
Failed WriteSector at location 80110000, size 400
Flash_WriteToSector failure @ 0x8011062e, wrote 0x00000000, read 0x0000ffff
Failed WriteSector at location 80110400, size 400
Flash_WriteToSector failure @ 0x80110b7c, wrote 0x00004060, read 0x0000ffff
Failed WriteSector at location 80110800, size 400
Flash_WriteToSector failure @ 0x80110eb0, wrote 0x00000000, read 0x0000ffff
Failed WriteSector at location 80110c00, size 400
Flash_WriteToSector failure @ 0x80111614, wrote 0x00000809, read 0x0000ffff
Failed WriteSector at location 80111400, size 400
Flash_WriteToSector failure @ 0x80111b70, wrote 0x00007070, read 0x0000ffff
Failed WriteSector at location 80111800, size 400
Flash_WriteToSector failure @ 0x80111e00, wrote 0x00000000, read 0x0000ffff
Failed WriteSector at location 80111c00, size 400
Flash_WriteToSector failure @ 0x80112230, wrote 0x00000000, read 0x0000ffff
Failed WriteSector at location 80112000, size 400
Flash_WriteToSector failure @ 0x80112602, wrote 0x00000000, read 0x0000ffff
Failed WriteSector at location 80112400, size 400
Flash_WriteToSector failure @ 0x80113ba8, wrote 0x00000000, read 0x0000ffff
Failed WriteSector at location 80113800, size 400
Flash_WriteToSector failure @ 0x80113e10, wrote 0x00003476, read 0x0000ffff
Failed WriteSector at location 80113c00, size 400
Flash_WriteToSector failure @ 0x801143f0, wrote 0x00000000, read 0x0000ffff
Failed WriteSector at location 80114000, size 400
Flash_WriteToSector failure @ 0x8011479e, wrote 0x00000000, read 0x0000ffff
Failed WriteSector at location 80114400, size 400
Flash_WriteToSector failure @ 0x80114a20, wrote 0x00000000, read 0x0000ffff
Failed WriteSector at location 80114800, size 400
Flash_WriteToSector failure @ 0x80114e1c, wrote 0x00000008, read 0x0000ffff
Failed WriteSector at location 80114c00, size 400
Flash_WriteToSector failure @ 0x80115632, wrote 0x000022f5, read 0x0000ffff
Failed WriteSector at location 80115400, size 400
Flash_WriteToSector failure @ 0x80115bf8, wrote 0x00001fb0, read 0x0000ffff
Failed WriteSector at location 80115800, size 400
Flash_WriteToSector failure @ 0x80117e04, wrote 0x0000ddec, read 0x0000ffff
Failed WriteSector at location 80117c00, size 400
Flash_WriteToSector failure @ 0x80118ff4, wrote 0x00003241, read 0x0000ffff
Failed WriteSector at location 80118c00, size 400
Flash_WriteToSector failure @ 0x8011afb8, wrote 0x00003442, read 0x0000ffff
Failed WriteSector at location 8011ac00, size 400
Flash_WriteToSector failure @ 0x8011b2f8, wrote 0x0000a9fc, read 0x0000ffff
Failed WriteSector at location 8011b000, size 400
Flash_WriteToSector failure @ 0x8011be00, wrote 0x0000d2d0, read 0x0000ffff
Failed WriteSector at location 8011bc00, size 400
Flash_WriteToSector failure @ 0x8011c27c, wrote 0x00006100, read 0x0000ffff
Failed WriteSector at location 8011c000, size 400
Flash_WriteToSector failure @ 0x8011c62e, wrote 0x00000041, read 0x0000ffff
Failed WriteSector at location 8011c400, size 400
Flash_WriteToSector failure @ 0x8011ca24, wrote 0x00000031, read 0x0000ffff
Failed WriteSector at location 8011c800, size 400
Flash_WriteToSector failure @ 0x8011ce14, wrote 0x00004f4c, read 0x0000ffff
Failed WriteSector at location 8011cc00, size 400
Flash_WriteToSector failure @ 0x8011d208, wrote 0x00005300, read 0x0000ffff
Failed WriteSector at location 8011d000, size 400
Flash_WriteToSector failure @ 0x8011d7ec, wrote 0x00006400, read 0x0000ffff
Failed WriteSector at location 8011d400, size 400
Flash_WriteToSector failure @ 0x8011de00, wrote 0x00006974, read 0x0000ffff
Failed WriteSector at location 8011dc00, size 400
Flash_WriteToSector failure @ 0x8011e202, wrote 0x00006f70, read 0x0000ffff
Failed WriteSector at location 8011e000, size 400
Flash_WriteToSector failure @ 0x8011ef70, wrote 0x00000074, read 0x0000ffff
Failed WriteSector at location 8011ec00, size 400
Flash_WriteToSector failure @ 0x8011f20c, wrote 0x00002070, read 0x0000ffff
Failed WriteSector at location 8011f000, size 400
Flash_WriteToSector failure @ 0x8011f6fc, wrote 0x00002034, read 0x0000ffff
Failed WriteSector at location 8011f400, size 400
Flash_WriteToSector failure @ 0x8011fa02, wrote 0x00006220, read 0x0000ffff
Failed WriteSector at location 8011f800, size 400
Flash_WriteToSector failure @ 0x8011fe10, wrote 0x00006420, read 0x0000ffff
Failed WriteSector at location 8011fc00, size 400
Flash_WriteToSector failure @ 0x80122eb4, wrote 0x00007800, read 0x0000ffff
Failed WriteSector at location 80122c00, size 400
Flash_WriteToSector failure @ 0x80129a2e, wrote 0x00007020, read 0x0000ffff
Failed WriteSector at location 80129800, size 400
Flash_WriteToSector failure @ 0x8012ba34, wrote 0x00002070, read 0x0000ffff
Failed WriteSector at location 8012b800, size 400
Chk si

Flash Sector Map Command
Sector Start Size Usage

0    0x80000000  0x00030000   Bootstrap
1    0x80030000  0x00110000   Code
2    0x80140000  0x00010000   EWR Storage (A)
3    0x80150000  0x00010000   EWR Storage (B)
4    0x80160000  0x00010000   Bootstrap
5    0x80170000  0x00280000   Deployment
6    0x803f0000  0x0000a000   Deployment
7    0x803fa000  0x00002000   Bootstrap
8    0x803fc000  0x00002000   Bootstrap
9    0x803fe000  0x00002000   Configuration

10 0x00000000 0x00004000 Bootstrap
11 0x00004000 0x00004000 Code
12 0x00008000 0x00070000 Code
13 0x00078000 0x00006000 Code
Flash Sector Map Complete

It seems that there is something wrong with Flash memory.
It explain why a TinyBooter could not been writing.
The error are not permanent it comes and go with different memory allocations.

Conclusions: My Spiderboard has periodic unstable Flash memory.

Please contact us for RMA and mention this thread.

I have bought The Spider Kit in Germany, Watterott electronic GmbH.

4 day after I received The Spider Kit, I wrote a mail to Watterott that there trouble with the mainboard. Watterott wrote back that I should contact the GHI support and if GHI support says that Spider kit is defect, Watterott will replace it.

Should I contact GHI or Watterott for a replace?

You can talk to them about sending you a spider mainboard only, not the whole kit. We will approve on our end.

We can handle this direct if you do not mind shipping to USA.

I dont mind shipping to USA.
The problem is shipping from USA to Denmark, then I have to pay Danish customs, VAT and import fee.
If the Spider Kit a replacement, can it be shipped from Watterott in Germany where I bought it? It only Shipping.

if we ship back from here we would put no cost so there would be no charges but you never know what your government may decide! If you ask Watterott for replacement then only get the spider mainboard please. Kits are very precious these days :slight_smile: Plus it is easier to exchange just one item.