Updating Firmware on FEZ Domino - TeraTerm Serial Option Greyed Out

So I’ve installed the drivers, I can ping the board via MFDeploy, board reports it’s running, but my downloaded SDK is, so it’s update time.

Pull up TeraTerm and the option to connect via serial is greyed out.

Running on Windows 7, 32 bit, checked Device Manager and there is nothing out of place, and when the board is plugged in I have:

  • Debuggable .Net Micro Framework Device
    …GHI.NET Micro Framework USB Debugging Interface

Any ideas on what’s going wrong? Are the drivers available and would it be easier to just use those? I need to use AES and I understand that was added in 4.1.

Welcome to the forum!

Do you see virtual com port in the Device Manager?

[quote]+ Debuggable .Net Micro Framework Device
…GHI.NET Micro Framework USB Debugging Interface[/quote]

This means that your FEZ is in firmware mode and not in loader. Hold LDR button down while powering up your board

In case you missed it, this is much easier to update your domino: [url]http://www.tinyclr.com/forum/12/3529/[/url]

I did miss that. Update completed and it was…

Fun!!! AND EASY!!!