Updating FEZ Panda II firmware

Hi folks!

I got a fez panda too and I have BL firmware 1.07 on the device - found using teraterm. I need to update it - yet when I follow this guide : https://www.ghielectronics.com/docs/53/firmware-update-usbizi#496 I do not have the file it suggests using. I have a different layout of folders and I am not sure which is the correct file to transfer to my Fez Panda II device.

Please help


Welcome to the forum!

You should use USBiziUpdater.exe which should be in the following folder:

C:\Program Files (x86)\GHI Electronics\GHI NETMF v4.1 SDK\Firmware Update

Welcome to the forum Renegadeandy!

Also note, you do have to install the “Legacy” 4.1 GHI SDK from the support page - that’s the only way you get the 4.1 USBizi firmware.

If this doesn’t get you sorted out, you might need to tell us (or capture a screen shot and post it here) what the folder structure you have is?