Update firmware on BraindPad

I recently bought 2 brainpads at micro center. I connected them to my computer and then press the reset button so i can upload files to it. Inside there is a file called INFO

Version: 1.0.2
Product: BrainPad BP2

I noticed that there is a newer version of TinyCLR version 2.0 and i am trying to update the firmware on my brainpad. So my Device is connected to the computer Windows 7 . I press the left button and then quickly press reset and then let go the reset button while still holding the left button . The only thing that happens in my computer is that a window opens up that just tells me i can copy files to my computer same stuff that happens when you just hit the reset button by itself. Nothing happens no matter what I try. I would love to update the brainpad but holding the left button and pressing reset does not make my computer create a COM port that i can use to use teraterm to upload TinyCLR .

Anything I am doing wrong? I downloaded the bootloader drivers already for windows 7 and nothing happens. Thanks in advance.

BrainPad could use only TinyClr 1.0 no 2.0
and to upload on BrainPad TinyClr you could use fezclr.dfu and fezclr.ghi files …
but you will loos BrainPad uf drive installed.

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thank you so much for your help , do you know where i can find fezclr.dfu i tried searching google , github and could not find any place :frowning:


direct link for FezCLR and BrainPad2 DFU BootLoader

TinyCLR 1.0 for STM32F401 (FezClr and BrainPad)

VSIX for Visual Studio that allow to work with TinyCLR 1.0

All libraries used for TinyCLR 1.0

THANK YOU SO MUCH. I really really appreciate this. I love the brain pad actually have 3 of them that i got from microcenter. I plan to have one with TinyCLR to use with visual studio and the other one i plan to use micropython and the other one just used make code. Thank you so much for your help :slight_smile: