I recently bought 2 brainpads at micro center. I connected them to my computer and then press the reset button so i can upload files to it. Inside there is a file called INFO
Version: 1.0.2
Product: BrainPad BP2
I noticed that there is a newer version of TinyCLR version 2.0 and i am trying to update the firmware on my brainpad. So my Device is connected to the computer Windows 7 . I press the left button and then quickly press reset and then let go the reset button while still holding the left button . The only thing that happens in my computer is that a window opens up that just tells me i can copy files to my computer same stuff that happens when you just hit the reset button by itself. Nothing happens no matter what I try. I would love to update the brainpad but holding the left button and pressing reset does not make my computer create a COM port that i can use to use teraterm to upload TinyCLR .
Anything I am doing wrong? I downloaded the bootloader drivers already for windows 7 and nothing happens. Thanks in advance.