Unknown error: 318 0x81010002

Hello everyone,

I am new to .NET Micro Framework and .NET Gadgeteer. I am facing a problem I cannot resolve, I do not find anything about the error on the internet. Seems like I am the only one with this error…

The error is the following one : 318 0x81010002. The file specified is MMP. That is all I know about it.

Does anyone know about this error ?

Thank your for your help.

Etienne, Im sure you know a little more such as what device and environment you see this error

I found out that the error came from the custom attributes I used. Here is the link with more information about the error if someone needs it : .NET Micro Framework

Now I have a new error named “451 CLR_E_FAIL” located in a file called “MMP3”. I found that it could be because of the use of :

foreach (…)
{ … yield return;}

But I do not have any of these. Do you know what else could create this error ?

Thanks again.

Peter, at the moment, I am just developing a library using Visual Studio and .NET Micro Framework.

@ Etienne.P - based upon the information provided, you are using a unsupported language feature.