UART Communications and Socket Slected

I am new to gadgeteer and trying to get my first app going. I want to communicate to a GPS module(fastrax to be exact), i know i need to communicate using a socket and general UART communcations.

How do i setup a generic UART socket and how do i select the socket it will use? I do not see a UART in visual studio toolbox neither!

I have the Fex Panda 2 with wifi

The panda is not gadgeteer and doesn’t have WiFi?. One of the uarts is labeled, right on D0 and D1.

As for code, check the uart document under support please.

the panda II is not a Gadgeteer board?

Go to the support section of the forum. it will guide your learning. .NET Micro Framework – GHI Electronics

Sorry…i am using the Fez Cobra 2 Wifi and want to use a gadgeteer socket for generic uart usage?

UARTs are available with U type sockets.

But if you are not using gadgeteer then why not just use the headers on the side? Simpler and cleaner.

@ Gus - Thought it would be easier to use a socket because i can create my own module if required and be able to use this code on any gadgeteer instead just my fez cobra 2…if i use normal mf…where have the ghi premium dlls gone?

We do not use the word “premium” any longer. And this is not needed for uart. So I am not sure what you are trying to do.

Please start by using the nermf manual pdf document found in the netmf support page. Actually it is one of the steps if you follow the instructions.

@ anthonys

There is no longer a premium library with the current SDK. All the libraries have been consolidated. If a specific functionality is not available on a platform, calling it does nothing.