I have a number of assemblies that have the older 3.10 firmware in uALFAT-1 IC. I need the new 3.13 release. Any ideas?
Save locally if you ever need in the future please.
Thanks. The manual is a little vague on how I can execute it. Do I create a an auto bat file with the LOK in it?
Any comments on how I get the new firmware into a working system?
Have you looked here? http://old.ghielectronics.com/catalog/product/340 First Bing result “alfat firmware”
Gus_Issa had already supplied the firmware. The link you show is to the old website. I am asking how to get the new firmware into the IC when it is already installed in a working system. Specifically the LOK or LOU commands.
I know Gus has pointed you to the firmware.
The “old” website has all the documentation you need. Specifically, https://old.ghielectronics.com/downloads/ALFAT/1.0.8/ALFAT_SoC_Processor_User_Manual_1.14.pdf
has detailed instructions on how to access the bootloader mode (section 4.1) and then update the firmware with teraterm (section 6.3/6.4)