Trying to find a post on the forum

I am trying to find the post on the forum where Gus posted the picture of the GHI team. Does anybody remember that thread or has a link?

Wasn’t it to do with what does GHI stand for?

I remember said picture too…

oh if Justin remembers the pic, then it’s not likely to be the one I was thinking of (which was probably a couple of years old, and possibly would have been one of the “lost” ones in the forum updates.

Edit it wasn’t in the one from February this year nor the one that it linked to (search for abcdef to find those :slight_smile: )

but no image :frowning:

@ Brett - Yup thats the one i was thinking of - good spoting

That sucks! :frowning:

May be somebody from GHI can repost it?

This happened when we moved our server. We thought we moved everything but we lost the images. All old images are gone :frowning:

I will see if I can find and post again…but GHI changed a lot since then. We need a new picture :slight_smile:

Thanks Gus, that would be great!