Dear GHI,
Looking at the catalog, I can only see one screen (
for Gadgeteer.
I have a project where I need a larger one. I was interested in the 480*xxx you had before for the Cobra.
Do you have any information concerning the availability of this product in the futur ? Will be available ? When ? any idea of the price if planned to be distributed ?
Thanks for all.
Nicolas, Toulouse
Working on it. See this please
No more info yet.
thanks gus.
I’ve already seen this video. Nice it is…
Without making me dreaming, do you think I can “honestly” hope for something before end of year or at least, 1st quarter of 2012 ?
(A could be answer will be fine if possible
We will have something even better but I can’t give you dates publicly 
ok I understand…
I really don’t need explicit date…
Just tell me (use my mail “removed by admin”) if I can hope before end of year or end of march something.
I swear :), I won’t say a word here…
Thanks gus, as already said by others, you are really kind and I must say I appreciate your work on this forum (can’t tell more than what I see)…
Best regards, Nicolas, Toulouse, France