TinyCLR RC522

can you share rc522 code if possible :smile:

It seem to work. If I set it to an other Pin I get other values.
I also deactivated it and activate the pin per programm and get the same result as with CS per SPI-module.

I use this code: mfrc522-netmf/Mfrc522 at master · mlowijs/mfrc522-netmf · GitHub.
With NETDUINO it works perfect. For TinyCLR I’ve made some adaptions, f.e. in TransferSpi and init:

var settings = new SpiConnectionSettings()
            ChipSelectType = SpiChipSelectType.Gpio,
            ChipSelectLine = FEZ.GpioPin.D9,
            Mode = SpiMode.Mode1,
            ClockFrequency =  1000 * 1000,       //1Mhz
            DataBitLength = 8,

        var controller = SpiController.FromName(FEZ.SpiBus.Spi1);
        _spi = controller.GetDevice(settings);

can you add

var _chipSelectLine = GpioController.GetDefault().OpenPin(FEZ.GpioPin.D9);

var spiSettings = new SpiConnectionSettings(_chipSelectLine.PinNumber);
spiSettings.ClockFrequency = 1000*1000;
spiSettings.DataBitLength = 8;
spiSettings.Mode = SpiMode.Mode1;

_spi = SpiDevice.FromId(FEZ.SpiBus.Spi1, spiSettings);

Thank you, but it dosn’t work fpr me.
My compiler didn_t accept a parameter in “SpiConnectionSettings” and “FromId” is unknown.

try this (since i am not before my pc and have no device)

GpioPin _chipSelect = GpioController.GetDefault().OpenPin(FEZ.GpioPin.D9);

        var settings = new SpiConnectionSettings()
            ChipSelectType = SpiChipSelectType.Gpio,
            ChipSelectLine = _chipSelect.PinNumber,
            Mode = SpiMode.Mode1,
            ClockFrequency = 1000 * 1000,       //1Mhz
            DataBitLength = 8,

        var controller = SpiController.FromName(FEZ.SpiBus.Spi1);
        _spi = controller.GetDevice(settings);

it dosn’t work because you can’t define the same pin extern and in SPI. I get an exception.

you should enable chip select with write(low) today i’ve got an spi mfrc522 from an friend and buyed online an uart mfrc522 so i will try to make it working driver from link you sent

Did you find anything?
It is possible that the SPI in tinyCLR has a problem? Because as user we have only the init with a few parameter and this I have tested. The chip select should also not be the problem because in the mfrc522 class I can handle CS externally.
I have no idea what I should do to make it run.


I converted sample from your link but device i have do not work even with arduino

please find sample

i tried to convert

such is

GetDevice(…) initialize chipselect so you dan’t have to initialize before GetDevice.
From datasheet (fig. 25) I think this sould be Mode0 and not Mode1 for spi mode.

I have an mfrc522 module, so I would check code and try to communicate with module.

Conversion is nice, but (there is Always a but ! :wink:), in TransferSpi, change TransferSequential to TransferFullDuplex.
In constructor, ssPin initialization is not needed because you can put it in spi settings which is better for time execution.
In mode, my module is working wth mode0 not mode1.
Now I can detect when tag is present or not, and read uid.

WriteBlock doesn’t seem to work but I’m not an expert with RC522. I’ll give others tries tomorrow.

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i have no working mfrc522 rfid for now until i get new ones ,so i have no ability to test :frowning:

and tried to convert as is with adapted changes but as you see it (still have something that missing)

I will try to write a driver for this module but I must go in depth of iso 14443-3 ! But it’s very interesting as a physicist and programmer !

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can you publish driver that you corrected from driver above that are able to see if tag presented and show uid :slight_smile:

I’am rewriting it from scratch and I don’t have put previous on git.
But I hope have new one for few days.

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A first (very simple) version without anticollision and only for 4 bytes uid card.

using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Threading;
using GHIElectronics.TinyCLR.Devices.Gpio;
using GHIElectronics.TinyCLR.Devices.Spi;
using Bauland.Others.Constants.MfRc522;

namespace Bauland.Others
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    public class MfRc522
        private readonly GpioPin _resetPin;
        //private readonly GpioPin _irqPin;
        private readonly SpiDevice _spi;
        private readonly byte[] _registerWriteBuffer;
        private readonly byte[] _dummyBuffer2;

        public MfRc522(string spiBus, int resetPin, int csPin/*, int irqPin = -1*/)
            _dummyBuffer2 = new byte[2];
            _registerWriteBuffer = new byte[2];

            var gpioCtl = GpioController.GetDefault();

            _resetPin = gpioCtl.OpenPin(resetPin);

            //if (irqPin != -1)
            //    _irqPin = gpioCtl.OpenPin(irqPin);
            //    _irqPin.SetDriveMode(GpioPinDriveMode.Input);
            //    _irqPin.ValueChanged += _irqPin_ValueChanged;

            var settings = new SpiConnectionSettings()
                ChipSelectActiveState = false,
                ChipSelectLine = csPin,
                ChipSelectType = SpiChipSelectType.Gpio,
                ClockFrequency = 10_000_000,
                DataBitLength = 8,
                Mode = SpiMode.Mode0

            _spi = SpiController.FromName(spiBus).GetDevice(settings);


        private void SetDefaultValues()
            // Set Timer for Timeout
            WriteRegister(Register.TMode, 0x80);
            WriteRegister(Register.TPrescaler, 0xA9);
            WriteRegister(Register.TReloadH, 0x06);
            WriteRegister(Register.TReloadL, 0xE8);

            // Force 100% Modulation
            WriteRegister(Register.TxASK, 0x40);

            // Set CRC to 0x6363 (iso 14443-3 6.1.6)
            WriteRegister(Register.Mode, 0x3D);


        private void EnableAntennaOn()
            SetRegisterBit(Register.TxControl, 0x03);

        //private void EnableAntennaOff()
        //    ClearRegisterBit(Register.TxControl, 0x03);

        public bool IsNewCardPresent(byte[] bufferAtqa)
            if (bufferAtqa == null || bufferAtqa.Length != 2) throw new ArgumentException("bufferAtqa must be initialized and its size must be 2.", nameof(bufferAtqa));
            StatusCode sc = PiccRequestA(bufferAtqa);
            if (sc == StatusCode.Collision || sc == StatusCode.Ok) return true;
            return false;

        public Uid PiccReadCardSerial()
            StatusCode sc = PiccSelect(out Uid uid);
            if (sc == StatusCode.Ok)
                return uid;
            return null;

        private StatusCode PiccSelect(out Uid uid, byte validBits = 0)
            uid = new Uid();
            bool selectDone = false;
            int bitKnown = 0;
            var uidKnown = new byte[7];
            byte[] bufferBack = null;
            ClearRegisterBit(Register.Coll, 0x80);
            while (!selectDone)
                var bufferLength = bitKnown == 0 ? 2 : 9;
                var buffer = new byte[bufferLength];
                bufferBack = bitKnown == 0 ? new byte[5] : new byte[3];
                byte nvb = (byte)(bitKnown == 0 ? 0x20 : 0x70);
                buffer[0] = (byte)PiccCommand.SelCl1;
                buffer[1] = nvb;
                if (bitKnown != 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                        buffer[i + 2] = uidKnown[i];

                    buffer[6] = (byte)(buffer[2] ^ buffer[3] ^ buffer[4] ^ buffer[5]);
                    var crcStatus = CalculateCrc(buffer, 7, buffer, 7);
                    if (crcStatus != StatusCode.Ok) return crcStatus;

                byte validbits = 0;
                WriteRegister(Register.BitFraming, 0);

                StatusCode sc = TransceiveData(buffer, bufferBack, ref validbits);
                if (sc != StatusCode.Ok)
                    return sc; // TODO: add collision
                if (sc == StatusCode.Ok)
                    if (bitKnown >= 32)
                    // We know all bits
                        selectDone = true;
                        uid.UidType = UidType.T4;
                        uid.UidBytes=new byte[4];
                        Array.Copy(buffer, 2, uid.UidBytes, 0, 4);
                        uid.Sak = bufferBack[0];
                        // All bit are known, redo loop to so SELECT
                        bitKnown = 32;
                        // Save
                        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) // 5 is BCC
                            uidKnown[i] = bufferBack[i];
            return StatusCode.Ok;

        private void DisplayBuffer(byte[] buffer)
#if DEBUG2            
            Debug.WriteLine($"Length: {buffer.Length}");
            var str = "";
            for (int i = 0; i < buffer.Length; i++)
                str += $"{buffer[i]:X2} ";

        private StatusCode PiccRequestA(byte[] bufferAtqa)
            return ShortFrame(PiccCommand.ReqA, bufferAtqa);

        private StatusCode ShortFrame(PiccCommand cmd, byte[] bufferAtqa)
            ClearRegisterBit(Register.Coll, 0x80);
            byte validBits = 7;
            StatusCode sc = TransceiveData(new[] { (byte)cmd }, bufferAtqa, ref validBits);
            if (sc != StatusCode.Ok) return sc;
            if (validBits != 0)
                return StatusCode.Error;
            return StatusCode.Ok;

        private StatusCode TransceiveData(byte[] buffer, byte[] bufferBack, ref byte validBits)
            byte waitIrq = 0x30;
            return CommunicateWithPicc(PcdCommand.Transceive, waitIrq, buffer, bufferBack, ref validBits);

        private StatusCode CommunicateWithPicc(PcdCommand cmd, byte waitIrq, byte[] sendData, byte[] backData, ref byte validBits, byte rxAlign = 0, bool crcCheck = false)

            byte txLastBits = validBits;
            byte bitFraming = (byte)((rxAlign << 4) + txLastBits);

            WriteRegister(Register.Command, (byte)PcdCommand.Idle);
            WriteRegister(Register.ComIrq, 0x7f);
            WriteRegister(Register.FifoLevel, 0x80);
            WriteRegister(Register.FifoData, sendData);
            WriteRegister(Register.BitFraming, bitFraming);
            WriteRegister(Register.Command, (byte)cmd);

            if (cmd == PcdCommand.Transceive)
                SetRegisterBit(Register.BitFraming, 0x80);

            StatusCode sc = WaitForCommandComplete(waitIrq);
            if (sc == StatusCode.Timeout)
                return sc;

            // Stop if BufferOverflow, Parity or Protocol error
            byte error = ReadRegister(Register.Error);
            if ((byte)(error & 0x13) == 0x13) return StatusCode.Error;

            // Get data back from Mfrc522
            if (backData != null)
                byte n = ReadRegister(Register.FifoLevel);
                if (n > backData.Length) return StatusCode.NoRoom;
                // if (n < backData.Length) return StatusCode.Error;
                ReadRegister(Register.FifoData, backData, rxAlign);


                validBits = (byte)(ReadRegister(Register.Control) & 0x07);

            // Check collision
            if ((byte)(error & 0x08) == 0x08) return StatusCode.Collision;

            // TODO:Do CrcA validation if request
            if (crcCheck)

            return StatusCode.Ok;
        public byte GetVersion()
            return ReadRegister(Register.Version);

        public StatusCode Halt()
            byte[] buffer = new byte[4];
            buffer[0] = (byte)PiccCommand.HaltA;
            buffer[1] = 0;
            byte validBits = 0;
            StatusCode sc = CalculateCrc(buffer, 2, buffer, 2);
            if (sc != StatusCode.Ok) return sc;
            sc = TransceiveData(buffer, null, ref validBits);
            if (sc == StatusCode.Timeout) return StatusCode.Ok;
            if (sc == StatusCode.Ok) return StatusCode.Error;
            return sc;

        private StatusCode CalculateCrc(byte[] buffer, int lengthBuffer, byte[] bufferBack, int indexBufferBack)
            byte[] shortBuffer = new byte[lengthBuffer];
            Array.Copy(buffer, shortBuffer, lengthBuffer);
            WriteRegister(Register.Command, (byte)PcdCommand.Idle);
            WriteRegister(Register.DivIrq, 0x04);
            WriteRegister(Register.FifoLevel, 0x80);
            WriteRegister(Register.FifoData, shortBuffer);
            WriteRegister(Register.Command, (byte)PcdCommand.CalculateCrc);
            for (int i = 500; i > 0; i--)
                byte n = ReadRegister(Register.DivIrq);
                if ((n & 0x04) == 0x04)
                    WriteRegister(Register.Command, (byte)PcdCommand.Idle);
                    bufferBack[indexBufferBack] = ReadRegister(Register.CrcResultLow);
                    bufferBack[indexBufferBack + 1] = ReadRegister(Register.CrcResultHigh);
                    return StatusCode.Ok;

            return StatusCode.Timeout;

        private StatusCode WaitForCommandComplete(byte waitIrq)
            for (int i = 2000; i > 0; i--)
                byte n = ReadRegister(Register.ComIrq);
                if ((n & waitIrq) != 0)
                    return StatusCode.Ok;
                //TODO: not use irq timer
                //if ((n & 0x01) == 0x01)
                //    return StatusCode.Timeout;
            return StatusCode.Timeout;

        private void HardReset()

        #region Basic Communication functions

        private void WriteRegister(Register register, byte data)
            _registerWriteBuffer[0] = (byte)register;
            _registerWriteBuffer[1] = data;
            _spi.TransferFullDuplex(_registerWriteBuffer, _dummyBuffer2);

        private void WriteRegister(Register register, byte[] data)
            foreach (var b in data)
                WriteRegister(register, b);

        public byte ReadRegister(Register register)
            _registerWriteBuffer[0] = (byte)((byte)register | 0x80);
            _registerWriteBuffer[1] = 0x00;
            _spi.TransferFullDuplex(_registerWriteBuffer, _dummyBuffer2);
            return _dummyBuffer2[1];

        private void ReadRegister(Register register, byte[] backData, byte rxAlign = 0)
            if (backData == null || backData.Length == 0) return;
            byte address = (byte)((byte)register | 0x80);
            byte[] writeBuffer = new byte[backData.Length + 1];
            byte[] readBuffer = new byte[backData.Length + 1];
            if (rxAlign != 0)
                // TODO: to complete
            for (int i = 0; i < backData.Length; i++) writeBuffer[i] = address;
            _spi.TransferFullDuplex(writeBuffer, readBuffer);
            Array.Copy(readBuffer, 1, backData, 0, backData.Length);

        private void SetRegisterBit(Register register, byte mask)
            var tmp = ReadRegister(register);
            WriteRegister(register, (byte)(tmp | mask));

        private void ClearRegisterBit(Register register, byte mask)
            var tmp = ReadRegister(register);
            WriteRegister(register, (byte)(tmp & ~mask));
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can you post also

Sorry. Code is useless without Constant.cs:

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;

namespace Bauland.Others
    namespace Constants.MfRc522
        public enum Register
            // Command and status
            Command = 0x01 << 1,
            ComIrq = 0x04 << 1,
            DivIrq = 0x05 << 1,
            Error = 0x06 << 1,
            FifoData = 0x09 << 1,
            FifoLevel = 0x0A << 1,
            Control = 0x0C << 1,
            BitFraming = 0x0D << 1,
            Coll = 0x0E << 1,

            Mode = 0x11 << 1,
            TxMode = 0x12 << 1,
            RxMode = 0x13 << 1,
            TxControl = 0x14 << 1,
            TxASK = 0x15 << 1,
            Version = 0x37 << 1,

            CrcResultHigh = 0x21 << 1,
            CrcResultLow = 0x22 << 1,
            ModeWith = 0x24 << 1,
            TMode = 0x2A << 1,
            TPrescaler = 0x2B << 1,
            TReloadH = 0x2C << 1,
            TReloadL = 0x2D << 1,

        public enum StatusCode

        public enum PiccCommand
            ReqA = 0x26,
            HaltA = 0x50,
            SelCl1 = 0x93,
            SelCl2 = 0x95,
            SelCl3 = 0x97,

        public enum PcdCommand
            Transceive = 0x0c,
            Idle = 0x00,
            CalculateCrc = 0x03,

        public enum UidType
        public class Uid
            public UidType UidType { get; set; }
            public byte[] UidBytes { get; set; }
            public byte Sak { get; set; }
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