TinyCLR - G120 Internal EEPROM

Hi Guys,

I’ve updated Henrik Hagardzons (@Honken) NetMF EEPROM code to work with TinyCLR and I thought id share it with you as i’ve seen a few people asking for it ( It’s only a first cut so there might be some bugs! )

Main class:

using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace Monoculture.TinyCLR.Drivers.G120EEPROM
    public class G120EEPROMDriver
        public const uint PageSize = 64;
        private const int CMD_8BITS_READ = 0;
        private const int CMD_8BITS_WRITE = 3;
        private const int CMD_RDPREFETCH = 1 << 3;
        private const int RDWR_CLR_ST = 1 << 26;
        private const int INT_ENDOFPROG = 1 << 28;
        private const int CMD_ERASE_PRG_PAGE = 6;

        private readonly IntPtr EECMD = new IntPtr(0x00200080);
        private readonly IntPtr EEADDR = new IntPtr(0x00200084);
        private readonly IntPtr EEWDATA = new IntPtr(0x00200088);
        private readonly IntPtr EERDATA = new IntPtr(0x0020008C);
        private readonly IntPtr EEWSTATE = new IntPtr(0x00200090);
        private readonly IntPtr EECLKDIV = new IntPtr(0x00200094);
        private readonly IntPtr PWRDWN = new IntPtr(0x00200098);
        private readonly IntPtr STAT = new IntPtr(0x00200FE0);
        private readonly IntPtr STATCLR = new IntPtr(0x00200FE8);

        public G120EEPROMDriver(uint speed = 120000000)
            Marshal.WriteInt32(PWRDWN, 0);

            Marshal.WriteInt32(EECLKDIV, (int)speed / 375000 - 1);

            var phase1 = (byte)(speed / 1000000 * 15 / 1000 + 1);

            var phase2 = (byte)(speed / 1000000 * 55 / 1000 + 1);

            var phase3 = (byte)(speed / 1000000 * 35 / 1000 + 1);

            var states = phase1 | phase2 << 8 | phase3 << 16;

            Marshal.WriteInt32(EEWSTATE, states);

        /// <summary>
        /// Reads data from the internal EEPROM
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="page">0-62</param>
        /// <param name="address">0-63</param>
        /// <param name="size">Size of data</param>
        /// <returns>Data read from EEPROM</returns>
        public byte[] Read(uint page, uint address, uint size)
            var readBuffer = new byte[size];

            // Clear read/write status
            Marshal.WriteInt32(STATCLR, RDWR_CLR_ST);

            // Write address register
            Marshal.WriteInt32(EEADDR, (int)((page & 0x3F) << 6 | address & 0x3F));

            // Set command to read 8 bits + prefetch next address
            Marshal.WriteInt32(EECMD, CMD_8BITS_READ | CMD_RDPREFETCH);

            // Loop through buffer.
            for (var i = 0; i < readBuffer.Length; i++)
                readBuffer[i] = Marshal.ReadByte(EERDATA);



                if (address < PageSize) continue;


                address = 0;

                // Write address register
                Marshal.WriteInt32(EEADDR, (int)((page & 0x3F) << 6 | address & 0x3F));

                // Set command to read 8 bits + prefetch next address
                Marshal.WriteInt32(EECMD, CMD_8BITS_READ | CMD_RDPREFETCH);

            return readBuffer;

        /// <summary>
        /// Writes data to the internal EEPROM
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="page">0-62</param>
        /// <param name="address">0-63</param>
        /// <param name="data">Data to write</param>
        public void Write(uint page, uint address, byte[] data)
            // set address
            Marshal.WriteInt32(EEADDR, (int)((page & 0x3F) << 6 | address & 0x3F));

            // set write 8-bit
            Marshal.WriteInt32(EECMD, CMD_8BITS_WRITE);

            for (var i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
                // write 8 bits to page register
                Marshal.WriteInt32(EEWDATA, data[i]);



                if (address < PageSize) continue;

                // clear  page erase status
                Marshal.WriteInt32(STATCLR, CMD_ERASE_PRG_PAGE);

                // set address to base of current page
                Marshal.WriteInt32(EEADDR, (int)((page & 0x3F) << 6 | 0 & 0x3F));

                // Program current page
                Marshal.WriteInt32(EECMD, CMD_ERASE_PRG_PAGE);

                // Wait for operation to complete


                address = 0;

                Marshal.WriteInt32(EEADDR, (int)((page & 0x3F) << 6 | address & 0x3F));

                // set write 8-bit
                Marshal.WriteInt32(EECMD, CMD_8BITS_WRITE);

        private void WaitForInterruptStatus(int mask)
            while (true)
                var status = Marshal.ReadInt32(STAT);

                if ((status & mask) == mask)


using System;

namespace Monoculture.TinyCLR.Drivers.G120EEPROM.Demo
    class Program
        public class Settings
            public int Property1 { get; set; }
            public int Property2 { get; set; }

        static void Main()
            var eeprom = new G120EEPROMDriver();

            var settings = new Settings();

            LoadSettings(eeprom, settings);

            settings.Property1 = 100;
            settings.Property2 = 200;

            SaveSettings(eeprom, settings);

        private static void LoadSettings(G120EEPROMDriver eeprom, Settings settings)
            var buffer = eeprom.Read(0, 0, G120EEPROMDriver.PageSize);

            settings.Property1 = BitConverter.ToInt32(buffer, 0);
            settings.Property2 = BitConverter.ToInt32(buffer, 4);

        private static void SaveSettings(G120EEPROMDriver eeprom, Settings settings)
            var buffer = new byte[G120EEPROMDriver.PageSize];

            BitConverter.GetBytes(settings.Property1).CopyTo(buffer, 0);
            BitConverter.GetBytes(settings.Property2).CopyTo(buffer, 4);

            eeprom.Write(0, 0, buffer);