TinyCLR Font Converter

The font converter will not install on my windows 10 pro.

Using TinyCLR%20OS%20Font%20Converter%20v1.0.0-preview2.exe

Not a issue for me but I would like to use it.


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Nothing to install as it is a command line tool.


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Or better yet… .NET Micro Framework


Did not know that it was a command line tool.

However, run the exe and it just flashes on the desktop and then goes away.

Thank you and scardinale for the response.

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I have the same issue.

Should this be run in some other version of windows?

did you open a command line prompt, navigate to the folder where either your font is or the app is, and run it?

Thanks so much this worked!!!
I hope GHI updates their official documentation to show this to others.

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