Tiny Font Tool / can't find generated font in Visual Studio in program


I installed the tiny font tool under:
I could create new fonts and saved them in
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft .NET Micro Framework\v4.3\Fonts
and in the project folder in Resources but can’t find the generated fonts in Visual Studio. When I create
Font myFontB = Resources.GetFont(Resources.FontResources.ArialStandard);
ArialStandard is red underlined.
NinaB and small are the only fonts that are available in Visual Studio (automatically proposed).

Saving in Resources folder is not the right way. You need to add them using Resources visual designer in Visual Studio. Only then required plumbing code will be generated and the font itself will be part of the assembly.

Do you mean here (see attachment)?

I added the fonts in the project-explorer in Visual Studio, then saved all but still don’t work…

Double click Resources.resx.
In this Editor you can add resources.
I think you need to choose binary as type for fonts.

Thank you very much! It works :slight_smile: