They're coming!

Windows 10 has an official release date and you may notice your desktop is already prompting you to reserve your free upgrade for July.

And Fallout 4 is officially announced!!!

:open_mouth: 8) ;D

Anything else? ;D

Yeahā€¦but Iā€™m not allowed to talk about what I know is happening. Including the stuff Iā€™m doing. Darn me for not letting me do things.

And FEZ Panda will ship to you :wink:

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You remembered my birthday was coming up in a couple of weeks. :smiley:

And if you share some of your secrets you might get @ Gus to upgrade that to a FEZ Panda-III ! :wink:

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I noticed thatā€¦ I thought it was some artefact of my dual booting with the insider previewā€¦

Thatā€™s a first for MS, isnā€™t it? Advertising in the notification bar for the next OS? Pretty cool though :slight_smile:

Do any of the remaining Microsoft gurus here know if drivers certified and distributed through the Windows Update system will need to be recertified for Windows 10, if theyā€™ve already been certified for windows 7 and 8?

You mean like the completely free updater with hosting so you can easily update your boards firmware and programs remotely?

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New controls day.

First up the CodeEditor. Displays code with line numbers, tap a line to edit.

Cool editor! Needs compiler now. :wink:

Nah, just use SBASIC :wink:

@ Skewworks - ā€œSimonsā€ Basic? :whistle:

@ David@ Trineuron - Simon says look at codeshare. :wink:

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