I am trying to read a thermocouple module. I am using tinyclr on a G80. The tutorial in docs on spi did not help me much. Is there a source of information on spi using tinyclr?
To know how to setup the SPI bus in TinyCLR you need the information from the module’s datasheet. Can you link the sheet?
Thanks for responding.
Ok, so you hooked everything up and now you need c# code to run the SPI bus on TinyClr?
the spi documentation http://docs.ghielectronics.com/tinyclr/tutorials/spi.html tells you everything you need to use SPI (of course if you are familiar with SPI)
what else do you need ?
could you ask a technically qualified question ?
that would help us to help you…
I do have it connected. And yes, I am working on the c# code. It appears I need to set up the byte array to tell the chip what I want and then look at the response using -
device.TransferSequential(…)// this is good for reading registers -
from the docs that Kevin has pointed to.
When I look at the netmf code:
private uint ReadData() {
uint data = 0;
for (int i = 31; i >= 0; i--) {
if (this.miso.Read())
data |= (uint)(1 << i);
return data;
I get a pretty good idea of what is happening. Much of this detail seems to have been hidden in the “tranfersequential” command. I am not sure how to set up the byte arrays for communication.
You can’t tell the chip anything; it’s a read only device.
“Drive CS low to output the first bit on the SO pin. A complete serial-interface read of the cold-junction compensated
thermocouple temperature requires 14 clock cycles. Thirty-two clock cycles are required to read both the thermocouple and reference junction temperatures”
EDIT: OK no, You have 2 choices to read the data. You can read 14 bits (which s 3 bytes) or you can read 32 bits (4 bytes) from the device at a time. I suggest 32 bits for completeness. So all you need to do is Transfer a byte array of 4 blank bytes, while reading in the 4 bytes of the data.
Ok, the TransferFullDuplex method worked. I now have a byte array. Thank you for helping me through the problem. The TransferSequential and Read methods did not work for me.
So you understand what to do from this point onward? Don’t forget the value of the reading is has negative values (14 bits with 2’s compliment).
I will admit I am clueless at this point but again thank you for your help.
Here is some code that works to get the external temperature. I refer to my coding style as “brute force” or “caveman”. Anyway, it works.
private double ReadData()
byte[] bufferwrite = new byte[4];
byte[] bufferread = new byte[4];
_dev.TransferFullDuplex(bufferwrite, bufferread);
double degC = 0;
int temp = (int)bufferread[0];
if (temp >= 128) temp = temp - 128;//strip off sign value
if (temp >= 64) { temp = temp - 64; degC = degC + Math.Pow(2, 10); }
if (temp >= 32) { temp = temp - 32; degC = degC + Math.Pow(2, 9); }
if (temp >= 16) { temp = temp - 16; degC = degC + Math.Pow(2, 8); }
if (temp >= 8) { temp = temp - 8; degC = degC + Math.Pow(2, 7); }
if (temp >= 4) { temp = temp - 4; degC = degC + Math.Pow(2, 6); }
if (temp >= 2) { temp = temp - 2; degC = degC + Math.Pow(2, 5); }
if (temp == 1) {degC = degC + Math.Pow(2, 4); }
temp = (int)bufferread[1];
if (temp >= 128) { temp = temp - 128; degC = degC + Math.Pow(2, 3); }
if (temp >= 64) { temp = temp - 64; degC = degC + Math.Pow(2, 2); }
if (temp >= 32) { temp = temp - 32; degC = degC + Math.Pow(2, 1); }
if (temp >= 16) { temp = temp - 16; degC = degC + Math.Pow(2, 0); }
if (temp >= 8) { temp = temp - 8; degC = degC + Math.Pow(2, -1); }
if (temp >= 4) { degC = degC + Math.Pow(2, -2); }
return degC;
The Gadgeteer module code would have helped you here https://gadgeteer.codeplex.com/SourceControl/latest#Main/Modules/GHIElectronics/Thermocouple/Software/Thermocouple/Thermocouple_43/Thermocouple_43.cs
uint value = ReadData();
short temperature = 0;
byte[] data = new byte[4];
data[0] = (byte)(value >> 24);
data[1] = (byte)(value >> 16);
data[2] = (byte)(value >> 8);
data[3] = (byte)(value >> 0);
temperature = (short)(((data[1]) | (data[0] << 8)));
temperature = (short)(temperature >> 4);
return temperature;
Thank you Brett, that does look a lot better.`
private double ReadData()
byte[] bufferwrite = new byte[4];
byte[] bufferread = new byte[4];
_dev.TransferFullDuplex(bufferwrite, bufferread);
double degC = 0;
short temperature = 0;
temperature = (short)(((bufferread[1]) | (bufferread[0] << 8)));
temperature = (short)(temperature >> 4);
degC = (double)temperature;
return degC;