The suprise?

There was a display connected to the panda 2 via the 40pin header at embedded world. And ethernet with a web server.

RTC and SD card I’ve pre-ordered mine…

Cheers Ian

I am such a child. I want it now. I ordered mine last night and it isn’t here yet.

I wish I could see it in action!! ???

Pictures or Videos, Please!!!

What kind of lcd?

Sorry for bad quality. I’ll check my friends photos tomorrow - maybe he has some better ones.

Green!? Not Red? :o

I think this board was made particulary for this demo presentation. Gus said that Panda II can use a similliar display. Since Panda is using USBizi chipset there is no WPF nor Bitmap support (as present in more powerful EMX module).

First batch perhaps? :slight_smile:


I am getting ready to place an order. Are there any new goodies to be announced in the next few weeks?

Image below should anwser all your doubts :wink:

Now that looks more like it 8)