The postman came by

…and dropped off the latest Verdant Smart Nodes.

Photo 1: assembled (kiwis don’t do headers apparently)
Photo 2: ready to rock some LoraWan 433MHz and Synapse.

These are STM32F411CE Verdant uSOM devices running netmf 4.4 and include an MCP9808 I2C temp/hum sensor, 8Mb Flash, USB, XBee socket, selectable-rate LiPo charger, and the obligatory user led.

Kudos and thanks to Justin for baking and shipping these amid a terribly hectic schedule.


Martin, I thought LoRa in US is 915, not 433?

So does the LoRa module have all of this?

These are STM32F411CE Verdant uSOM devices running netmf 4.4 and include an MCP9808 I2C temp/hum sensor, 8Mb Flash, USB, XBee >>socket, selectable-rate LiPo charger, and the obligatory user led.

If not what does it have on it?

I am working on a LoRa project and am eager to get off of c++ and back onto c#.

Edit, oh, I see the LoRa plugs into the top of the module. Please keep us posted on your experience.

Im interested! :slight_smile:

Libelium sells various Lora and LoraWan XBee-compatible modules - I got the 433/868 ones as I am still in Europe, but of course, as soon as I did, we got my wife’s visa for the US. So it goes.

I am moving to the US, so if any of our Europeans here plan to order some from, I’ll send you my 868’s in exchange for some 915’s. Or you can just buy mine straight up and I will order new 915’s.

@ mcalsyn -

as I am still in Europe

Oh, I assumed you had made it back to the mothership. What is your ETA?

Mid to late March, depending on various bits of moving logistics

It’s alive!


And, while I am posting pics, here’s another weekend lark showing a blend of GHI and IngenuityMicro… A G30 connected to temp/hum sensor and ESP-03 (in the form of a Neon board from Justin). It is collecting temp/hum data and sending it up to Azure. I am building several by remounting this on an Adafruit half-size perma-proto board, putting it in an Al box (again from Adafruit). The idea is to capture temp data from several rooms around the house, because I think the heating system is demonstrating too much hysteresis.

I could have easily done the same with Gadgeteer (and I did, initially, while developing the SW), but this was much more space and cost efficient for deployment.


Martin, I see that you are using a Click board along the (now mistery) other sensor :slight_smile: Are you sharing its driver ?

That driver is not currently open source, and you’ll understand that’s the exception for me, but the driver was a commissioned work, so I am not free to open-source it at this time, though I have included it in a couple other paid works. It will become more broadly available at some point, but that decision is not mine under the terms of the original agreement.

And yes, I covered up the sensor, because this project is also a commissioned work and, while the circuit is not rocket science and is not my key technical contribution, I decided that it probably was appropriate.

@ mcalsyn -

putting it in an Al box
I’m always interested in enclosures, searched adafruit, but couldn’t find an artificially intelligent box :slight_smile:

What box were you referring to ?

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Some fonts just don’t do the job Al (Aluminum/Aluminium) looks like AI (Artificial Intelligence).
(There is a slight kerning difference)

Anyway, this is the box. It is smart looking but not smart artificially…