The new community forum

Our “GHI 2.0 plan” is going smoothly as planned. Last week’s announcement was a big hit. Today, we are introducing the new forum, utilizing Discourse ( The new Discourse-based forum is not your typical forum. It revolutionizes the way communities interact. We found it different at first, but we quickly fell in love with it.

Things to consider:
This is still a test. Everything you post and modify on the new forum will be lost, but we encourage you to try the new forum and let us know of any issues.
• For your security, we did not import any passwords. You will need to reset your password on the new forum by clicking “I forgot my password” under “Log In”.
• User names with spaces and @ symbol are not allowed. We replaced them with an underscore.
• Because of the name change, we added spaces after all @ symbol in old posts. However, you can now tag anyone using this symbol in any of the new post.
• The new forum uses We encourage you to add an avatar (preferably your photo). These helps everyone in locating your posts easily.
• We will not import any of the old images.
• The categories are not the final ones.


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Why do I need to make a new account to try the new community forum …?

My existing user name a password does not work… :frowning:

You do not need to. Please read above where I said “For your security…” :slight_smile:

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@ Gus_ghielectroncs -

Sorry… I just found
• For your security, we did not import any passwords. You will need to reset your password on the new forum by clicking “I forgot my password” under “Log In”.

My fault!

@ Gus_ghielectroncs - Impressed that you were able to carry over posts and likes. Very cool.

I might suggest having the Categories view be the default when logging into the new forums for the first time. That view still includes the latest posts (on the right) but having the list of categories available might provide a little more familiar look for folks who are new to Discourse.

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@ Gus_ghielectroncs - Question…are the old forums being synced with the new? That is, if I post here, are those posts eventually going to end up on the new forum? Or did you all just do a one-time sync to the new forums for testing purposes?

no but we will be moving all topics the day we close this forum. Well, we are not closing this forum but we are discouraging it… then closing in a few weeks.

Would this also be good for mobile users?

Would probably depend on their preferences.

On desktop, defaulting to categories still shows the Latest to the side. On mobile, I think you just get the categories, but it’s easy to switch the view by tapping the drop-down at the top-left.

Speaking of mobile, one of the other nice things about Discourse is you can pin it to your start screen in Android/iOS as an app, and get a chrome-free UI experience.

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Hey everyone, everything seems to be working great. We will be shutting the forum down and doing the final migration sometime next week. So if you plan on trying out the new forum please do so this weekend.

Looks like we may start the final conversion overnight. This will still take a couple of days… Converting 200,000 posts is taking longer than I thought it would.

… Fingers crossed. See you on the other side.

@ Gus_ghielectroncs - if you are going to type them into the new forum by hand, please use a speling checker. ;D


[quote=“Mike”]@ Gus_ghielectroncs - if you are going to type them into the new forum by hand, please use a speling checker. ;D[/quote] At least going back over those historical posts would be more interesting that way, spotting the hilarious spelling mistakes.

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@ Brett - are you suggesting a bloopers forum? :stuck_out_tongue:

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Shiny eh ? going to take some time to get used to the change.

The more I use it the more I love it. This is a really nice forum platform.