The most economical open-source NETMF Ethernet solution with arduino-form factor and more

GHI Electronics is offering the most economical open-source NETMF Ethernet solution with arduino-form factor and more
FEZ Cerbuino Bee $39.95
Ethernet ENC28 Module $19.95
Total is $59.90

You get networking connectivity with 168Mhz 32bit processor with floating point and plenty of Flash and RAM.

@ Joe - NEMF and netwroking need some help…

Great offer indeed!

We used to have spell checker in the forum. What happened to it?

I’ve actually found that intelligent wireless modules, like the xbee stuff, do pretty well with networking, although the drivers are quite a bit of effort to create.

I haven’t had great experiences just hooking netmf ethernet up to a networking. It seems to get flooded too easily unless you isolate the device.

Note that I haven’t tried the Gadgeteer wireless module yet (don’t have one), but I have tried hard-wired ethernet.


When you say “flooded” what do you mean? If you’re on a switched network, there shouldn’t be any traffic on the wire that’s not destined for your device anyway…

@ ransomhall - Fixed :slight_smile:

Nope, NEMF is still there :wink:

@ godefroi

I mean the device has to analyze too many broadcast packets. Even on a switched network, there’s a lot of junk being thrown around on the wires.

You can usually work around this by putting the NETMF device and, if you’re looking at essentially a point to point connection, the other device on the same switch and subnet, separated from the rest of the network.

Note, at home, most folks won’t run into this unless there’s a lot of network management junk on the network.


@ Pete

Makes sense. I’ve never run into the issue, but as you say, I’m on a home network.