TGIT® 3v3 Mini Juice

It seems I keep having a need more and more of a simple way of adding just 3.3v of battery power to my projects…

So it was time for Eagle and the result is 3v3 Mini Juice.

All it does is supply up to 200ma of juice at 3.3v from 1 - 3v - simple (a bit like me)


Very good. I have been thinking of something similar but with battery holder onboard

I ummmed and aaahhhhed about building it with a holder and in the end decided to give the users the option of using different sized batteries…

@ Justin - Nice one!


nice one;
just noticed the missing gadgeteer markings “D” on the Socket :frowning:

Probably on the back side :wink:

On the other hand this module is actually not a D module (USB interface) and it can be plugged to any socket type on the mainboard.

come to think of it… you might be right… since it can be plugged into any socket and provide power…

@ Architect - correctamundo

Really on a Tuesday???

@ Duke Nukem - gotta go with the flow :smiley:

@ Duke Nukem - You have to learn to be flexible. Creativity does not follow a calendar. :slight_smile: