Just wanted to point this new screen: [url]http://www.matrixorbital.com/p1102/GTT480272A/product_info.html[/url]
A bit expensive, but cool anyway.
Just wanted to point this new screen: [url]http://www.matrixorbital.com/p1102/GTT480272A/product_info.html[/url]
A bit expensive, but cool anyway.
Al that money to get limited graphics! Why not use FEZ Cobra?
Yes, I would buy cobra instead
Holy batman their stuff is expensive… all their products are crazy.
Reminds me a lot of the 4D Systems LCDs; I’m sure it’s be great for something like AVRs that haven’t got the memory to handle graphics without a secondary processor, but for ARMs; Cobra is the way to go
I found this [url]http://www.watterott.com/en/MI0283QT-2-Adapter[/url], it looks very promising, 35 euros, 240x320, touch enabled, but I don’t know how flexible/speedy it is.
It’s SPI controlled so max speed of 1000kbits per second or 125KB per second.
320x240 = 3 colors * 8 bits * 76800pixels or 225KB so less than 1 screen per second @ 320x240 if I did all my math right.
I have also bought things from "matrix orbital"
namely rs232 2 line displays (until I found MUCH cheaper alternatives)
The small 3.5" that plugs into the cobra seems to be a far better alternative.
I could buy these small sharp screens from farnell for a small price (under £50) but the 4.3" is nearly next to perfect for what I need. and GHI have done all the hard work already.