Test your English skills!

Which one is correct? and why? Or maybe you have another one!

Everything else in green are just comments.
Everything else in green is just a comment.

@ Gus - I guess this one is correct:

Everything else in green is just a comment.

Ok then what about this?

Everything else you see in green are just comments.

This is getting tricky :slight_smile:

Number agreement:
All the items in green are just comments.
Each item in green is just a comment.
Everything else in green is just a comment.

Parallel constructions : “Everything is fine.”, “Everything in my car is dirty”. They all sound weird with ‘are’.

How many points for grammar posts?


I would still say that “Everything else you see in green is just a comment” sounds better.

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Ok - citation required

From : https://writing.wisc.edu/Handbook/SubjectVerb.html

When words like “each” are the subject
When used as subjects, words such as

each, either, neither
anyone, anybody, anything
someone, somebody, something
one, everyone
everybody, everything
no one, nobody, nothing
take singular verbs.

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@ Gus - No my strong point, but else is referred to as a collective pronoun and as such the article a is singular, therefore the correct answer is:


Why I became an engineer rather then an english major.


@ Gus -

English is a very old ‘Traders Language’ hacked together by various folks trying to get the best deal on assorted goods.

I understood both sentences so each is correct!


You could also say “I understood each sentence, so they are all correct”.

(How many points again for grammar?)

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I are an engineer!!


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Personally, I would go with…

“Everything in green is a comment.”
or “Everything else in green is a comment.” if there was something preceding this that described other “green” conditions.

The other words are unnecessary and only make the sentence more confusing.

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Both are grammatically correct in my option, but it sounds weird because there is no pause:

Everything else in green, are just comments

Commas help

  comment = true;


Poor code… :wink:

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