Tech Talk with Gus 02 - 0.96" OLED display

It’s time for the first official episode of Tech Talk with Gus. In this episode we’ll be talking about and demonstrating an OLED 0.96" display. These cool little displays can be used in a number of projects, and are very cheap.

SSD1306 Datasheet

Adafruit_SSD1306 Drivers

Where is the C# code?

Sorry Maurico, when we migrated to this forum, the code was removed from the comment area. I’ve added it back here below:

// code is from adafruit originally GitHub - adafruit/Adafruit_SSD1306: Arduino library for SSD1306 monochrome 128x64 and 128x32 OLEDs
// Many improvements are needed. This is just a “get me started” code

using System;
using Microsoft.SPOT;
using Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware;

namespace SSD1306_OLED
    public class Program
        static int SSD1306_LCDHEIGHT = 64;
        static int SSD1306_LCDWIDTH = 128;
        static ushort SSD1306_I2C_ADDRESS = (0x3C);

   static I2CDevice.Configuration con =
   new I2CDevice.Configuration(SSD1306_I2C_ADDRESS, 400);
   static I2CDevice I2C = new I2CDevice(con);

    static void ssd1306_command(int cmd)
        I2CDevice.I2CTransaction[] xActions =
       new I2CDevice.I2CTransaction[1];

        // create write buffer (we need one byte)
        byte[] buff = new byte[2];
        buff[1] = (byte) cmd;
        xActions[0] = I2CDevice.CreateWriteTransaction(buff);
        if (I2C.Execute(xActions, 1000) == 0)
            Debug.Print("Failed to perform I2C transaction");
    static void InitDisplay()

        // Init sequence
        ssd1306_command(0xae);// SSD1306_DISPLAYOFF);                    // 0xAE
        ssd1306_command(0xd5);// SSD1306_SETDISPLAYCLOCKDIV);            // 0xD5
        ssd1306_command(0x80);                                  // the suggested ratio 0x80

        ssd1306_command(0xa8);// SSD1306_SETMULTIPLEX);                  // 0xA8
        ssd1306_command(SSD1306_LCDHEIGHT - 1);

        ssd1306_command(0xd3);// SSD1306_SETDISPLAYOFFSET);              // 0xD3
        ssd1306_command(0x0);                                   // no offset
        ssd1306_command(0x40);// SSD1306_SETSTARTLINE | 0x0);            // line #0
        ssd1306_command(0x8d);// SSD1306_CHARGEPUMP);                    // 0x8D

        if (false)//vccstate == SSD1306_EXTERNALVCC)

        { ssd1306_command(0x10); }


        { ssd1306_command(0x14); }

        ssd1306_command(0x20);// SSD1306_MEMORYMODE);                    // 0x20
        ssd1306_command(0x00);                                  // 0x0 act like ks0108
        ssd1306_command(0xa1);// SSD1306_SEGREMAP | 0x1);
        ssd1306_command(0xc8);// SSD1306_COMSCANDEC);

        ssd1306_command(0xda);// SSD1306_SETCOMPINS);                    // 0xDA
        ssd1306_command(0x81);// SSD1306_SETCONTRAST);                   // 0x81

        if (false)//vccstate == SSD1306_EXTERNALVCC)
        { ssd1306_command(0x9F); }
        { ssd1306_command(0xCF); }

        ssd1306_command(0xd9);// SSD1306_SETPRECHARGE);                  // 0xd9

        if (false)//vccstate == SSD1306_EXTERNALVCC)
        { ssd1306_command(0x22); }
        { ssd1306_command(0xF1); }

        ssd1306_command(0xd8);// SSD1306_SETVCOMDETECT);                 // 0xDB
        ssd1306_command(0xa4);//SSD1306_DISPLAYALLON_RESUME);           // 0xA4
        ssd1306_command(0xa6);// SSD1306_NORMALDISPLAY);                 // 0xA6

        ssd1306_command(0x2e);// SSD1306_DEACTIVATE_SCROLL);

        ssd1306_command(0xaf);// SSD1306_DISPLAYON);//--turn on oled panel


    static void Render(byte[] data)
        ssd1306_command(0x21);// SSD1306_COLUMNADDR);
        ssd1306_command(0);   // Column start address (0 = reset)
        ssd1306_command(SSD1306_LCDWIDTH - 1); // Column end address (127 = reset)
        ssd1306_command(0x22);// SSD1306_PAGEADDR);
        ssd1306_command(0); // Page start address (0 = reset)
        ssd1306_command(7); // Page end address

        byte[] img = new byte[(128 * 64 / 8)+1];
        img[0] = 0x40;
        Array.Copy(data, 0, img, 1, 128 * 64 / 8);

        xActions[0] = I2CDevice.CreateWriteTransaction(img);
        if (I2C.Execute(xActions, 1000) == 0)
            Debug.Print("Failed to perform I2C transaction");
    public static void Main()
        Bitmap LCD = new Bitmap(128, 64);
        Font fnt = Resources.GetFont(Resources.FontResources.NinaB);
        int counter = 0;
        int x = 50;
        int dx = 5;
        while (true)
            LCD.DrawText("Count: " + counter++, fnt, Microsoft.SPOT.Presentation.Media.Color.White, 10, 10);
            LCD.DrawEllipse(Microsoft.SPOT.Presentation.Media.Color.White, x, 40, 5, 5);
            LCD.DrawEllipse(Microsoft.SPOT.Presentation.Media.Color.White, 128-x, 50, 5, 5);
            byte[] img = GHI.Utilities.Bitmaps.Convert(LCD, GHI.Utilities.Bitmaps.Format.Bpp1x128);


            x += dx;
            if (x < 0 || x > 128)
                dx *= -1;

1 Like

Did I see a 2016 copyright notice at the end of the video?

That’s when it was actually produced. 10/14/16, almost 1 year ago.

Ah! Today being Friday, I thought it was a new video. :grin:

Beutiful thing i need to get known of it