Suggestions on what to use for socket type on this dual TTL device?

I have a board in front of me, and I was hoping to do a version of it that is Gadgeteer compatible using a standard socket type. It has two devices that can be connected to it. Protocol is TTL synchronous serial, presumably with a couple shift registers on the devices.

Pins are:
Clock Input
Latch Input
Data Output 1 (3v3)
Data Output 2 (3v3)

I was hoping to use this on Gadgeteer without having to add a module-level controller, but I don’t see how. I suppose I could bit bang using a Y socket, but I just suspect that would really tie up the MCU.



What is the required data transfer rate? if you only have to clock in 16 bits a couple of times per second then bitbang will be fine.

Do you need both to run at the same time? You can multiplex.

Both at same time: yes, or poll them very quickly. These are human interface devices, so speed is human speed, not system speed. Maybe bit-banging and multiplexing would both be ok. I’ll prototype :slight_smile: I just want to make sure it can be done while taking up only a tiny bit of the Gadgeteer’s processing power.


I’ve read somewhere in the gadgeteer specs that it’s legal to make a module that requires two socket types on the same bus, which then would be labeled as a “U+S” module.

That would end up as:
Pin 1: +3.3V
Pin 2: +5V
Pin 3: GPIO!
Pin 4: TX (G)
Pin 5: RX (G)
Pin 6: CS
Pin 7: MOSI
Pin 8: MISO
Pin 9: SCK
Pin 10: GND

Does that help? I know this is not twice UART, but maybe one of the chips support both synchronized and non-synchronized serial.

-edit 1- I looked it up, the right syntax would be “U&S”:

-edit 2- ohh I think I know what you’re playing with from the pinout you describe. Is it that one thing I recently presented you some source code for? If so, I chose to bitbang it, basicly because you have to read 2 data lines with only 1 clock signal. There’s no native class to do such a thing as far as my knowledge goes.