Strange error after updating to firmware - SOLVED

Hi, I have a project that I have been working on for some time now. It was running ok on my FEZ Domino with the old firmware After updating I am unable to load the project onto the board. I get this error “Error 1 An error has occurred. Please check your hardware”. I know all about updating the firmware and I removed all device-specific assemblies, and added them again to get the right version. It seems that the project dosent load onto the board at all. I checked, checked and double checked the board and the assemblies are both version Can there be an error in the firmware

Best Regards

Carsten Riisbjerg

Have you tried loading a new project?

What do you get back when you ping the board from MFDeploy?

Hi, Gus

Yes I tried loading a new project and it works fine. The project I am working on builds fine with no errors, but i does not deploy. Also if I comment parts of my project out, it also deploys ok. And this I can’t understand. If I try to erase the board with MFDeploy, and then try to load the project onto the board it is not possible.

If I ping the board with a working project loaded this is what I get:

Pinging… No debugger!
Create TS.
start at 4eb34, end 56d0c
Attaching file.
Assembly: mscorlib (4.1.2821.0) (3880 RAM - 33236 ROM - 19134 METADATA)

AssemblyRef = 0 bytes ( 0 elements)
TypeRef = 0 bytes ( 0 elements)
FieldRef = 0 bytes ( 0 elements)
MethodRef = 0 bytes ( 0 elements)
TypeDef = 1112 bytes ( 139 elements)
FieldDef = 272 bytes ( 135 elements)
MethodDef = 1572 bytes ( 786 elements)

Attributes = 0 bytes ( 0 elements)
TypeSpec = 16 bytes ( 4 elements)
Resources = 232 bytes ( 29 elements)
Resources Files = 16 bytes ( 2 elements)
Resources Data = 437 bytes
Strings = 1551 bytes
Signatures = 2126 bytes
ByteCode = 11702 bytes

Loading Deployment Assemblies.
Attaching deployed file.
Assembly: FEZDomino_GHIElectronics.NETMF.FEZ ( (304 RAM - 900 ROM - 495 METADATA)

AssemblyRef = 12 bytes ( 3 elements)
TypeRef = 44 bytes ( 11 elements)
FieldRef = 0 bytes ( 0 elements)
MethodRef = 20 bytes ( 5 elements)
TypeDef = 72 bytes ( 9 elements)
FieldDef = 12 bytes ( 6 elements)
MethodDef = 4 bytes ( 2 elements)

Attributes = 0 bytes ( 0 elements)
TypeSpec = 0 bytes ( 0 elements)
Resources = 0 bytes ( 0 elements)
Resources Files = 0 bytes ( 0 elements)
Resources Data = 0 bytes
Strings = 178 bytes
Signatures = 35 bytes
ByteCode = 98 bytes

Attaching deployed file.
Assembly: Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware (4.1.2821.0) (1752 RAM - 11440 ROM - 7371 METADATA)

AssemblyRef = 8 bytes ( 2 elements)
TypeRef = 124 bytes ( 31 elements)
FieldRef = 24 bytes ( 6 elements)
MethodRef = 120 bytes ( 30 elements)
TypeDef = 496 bytes ( 62 elements)
FieldDef = 176 bytes ( 88 elements)
MethodDef = 444 bytes ( 222 elements)

Attributes = 0 bytes ( 0 elements)
TypeSpec = 0 bytes ( 0 elements)
Resources = 0 bytes ( 0 elements)
Resources Files = 0 bytes ( 0 elements)
Resources Data = 0 bytes
Strings = 1329 bytes
Signatures = 1067 bytes
ByteCode = 2611 bytes

Attaching deployed file.
Assembly: Microsoft.SPOT.Native (4.1.2821.0) (1144 RAM - 6516 ROM - 4479 METADATA)

AssemblyRef = 4 bytes ( 1 elements)
TypeRef = 80 bytes ( 20 elements)
FieldRef = 0 bytes ( 0 elements)
MethodRef = 60 bytes ( 15 elements)
TypeDef = 336 bytes ( 42 elements)
FieldDef = 192 bytes ( 95 elements)
MethodDef = 224 bytes ( 111 elements)

Attributes = 48 bytes ( 6 elements)
TypeSpec = 0 bytes ( 0 elements)
Resources = 72 bytes ( 9 elements)
Resources Files = 8 bytes ( 1 elements)
Resources Data = 747 bytes
Strings = 648 bytes
Signatures = 595 bytes
ByteCode = 418 bytes

Attaching deployed file.
Assembly: FEZ Domino Application ( (276 RAM - 876 ROM - 428 METADATA)

AssemblyRef = 12 bytes ( 3 elements)
TypeRef = 48 bytes ( 12 elements)
FieldRef = 0 bytes ( 0 elements)
MethodRef = 32 bytes ( 8 elements)
TypeDef = 24 bytes ( 3 elements)
FieldDef = 4 bytes ( 2 elements)
MethodDef = 12 bytes ( 5 elements)

Attributes = 0 bytes ( 0 elements)
TypeSpec = 0 bytes ( 0 elements)
Resources = 16 bytes ( 2 elements)
Resources Files = 8 bytes ( 1 elements)
Resources Data = 13 bytes
Strings = 153 bytes
Signatures = 64 bytes
ByteCode = 110 bytes


Total: (6220 RAM - 52968 ROM - 31907 METADATA)

AssemblyRef = 36 bytes ( 9 elements)
TypeRef = 296 bytes ( 74 elements)
FieldRef = 24 bytes ( 6 elements)
MethodRef = 232 bytes ( 58 elements)
TypeDef = 2040 bytes ( 255 elements)
FieldDef = 656 bytes ( 326 elements)
MethodDef = 2256 bytes ( 1126 elements)

DebuggingInfo = 1136 bytes

Attributes = 48 bytes ( 6 elements)
TypeSpec = 16 bytes ( 4 elements)
Resources Files = 96 bytes ( 4 elements)
Resources = 320 bytes ( 40 elements)
Resources Data = 1197 bytes
Strings = 3859 bytes
Signatures = 3887 bytes
ByteCode = 14939 bytes


Hope this is usable

Best Regards


I found out that my project was to big (62KB). So I hit the size limit. Changed the code, now it is running OK.