STM32F407VGT6 - OTG USB (alternative)

Hi Guys

i have a little problem with STM32F407VGT6 to otg micro usb part was burned something but development board work well throught mini usb

so did anyone now alternative way to work with .NET Micro Framework 4.4 or 4.3 to upload in another way (MFDeploy to show that board)

i got hex file from

and got instruction of installation from
but step 6 i can not do because of micro usb not working ,so did are there any other alternative way to do this step :slight_smile:

again VALONI

Capacitor 4.7uF on C49 is burned (maybe also something too what is close with it).

board work well if i program with mini usb
but if i tried with micro usb (CN5) it doesn’t give me any communication life.

i tried to figure outer way to conect with pins
5v, gnd, pin9a for vbus
but i can not figure pin pa11 and pa12 (for usb D+ and D-) on board to try this way to conect with Gadgeter DP Client Module instead USB OTG integrated on board.

problem to buy new disco is not problem , but to wait 40 day to arrive to me yes it was problem or to pay very high price for cheap board to get within a week is not solution if price hight than complete tinker kit ii

Problem with USB D+ and D- is that they are ordinarily impedance controlled lines, meaning it’s critical that they run in parallel traces on the PCB and have exactly the same lengths (on a PCB where they need to route a longer way, you’ll see they wiggle both directions to achieve parity). That means they’re relatively unsuitable to “hack up” with something like a USB DP module and jumper wires, but you could try it, but it’s unlikely to be reliable. Might get you out of trouble until your new device arrives though.

did is possible to modify tiny boot loader
to use mini usb for mfdeployment instead of micro usb like way as done for Nucleo STM32F411Ret from someone in this forum or to use on this board (nucleo tinyboot)