STM32F405RGT6 serial number?

Running 4.38 on this based on the Cerbuino and was wondering if there was such a thing as a serial number encoded into each IC? The 407 has a mac address by the 405 does not.

I need a way to HASH a serial number to a licence code so that I can allow the client to make his own boards but he has to licence each one and send me the serial number and I send back a licence key for each board.

I could use a serial number based EEPROM for the next batch but it would be good if I didn’t have to make new boards. :slight_smile:

Next? :joy:

FAIL. That just reads the device ID and I get the same for both boards.

Next try?



Its unique :yum:

Next? :joy:

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Oops. I missed the fact that one byte was different. Sorry boss. :flushed:

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I was going to take the piss and ask if you wanted me to test more then 3…


Is there anything you do not know about STM chips? :wink:


Actually, I wonder if I could use that for my project. Locked by license code eh?

That’s what I am going with this design. It spits out the system ID if it detects it is not licenced. After the client sends me the ID I send back a version that works with that ID. I charge per board then :slight_smile:

Device Activation. I like it.