Status on the 4.2 release?


I’m very excited to see there’s a 4.2 release coming up. In fact, just reinstalled my PC and waiting for it to be announced so I won’t get all the 4.1-4.2 mixup.
Any news on that?


Few days

Can’t wait.

Waiting… Not installing anything so I’ll have a clean 4.2 install… Come on. I’m like a junkie without his fix.

Not sure what you’re waiting for… it was released yesterday…

Bless you.

Three quick questions:

[ol]Any pointers as to what to install? There’s the “Microsoft .NET Micro Framework 4.1 SDK” and the “GHI NETMF v4.1 and .NET Gadgeteer Package”.
Isn’t the release suuposed show in the Support section? is it an RC?
Should I wait for BOTH packages reach 4.2?[/ol]

I a bit lost. Can anyone explain?


This release contains support for both 4.1 and 4.2. You have to uninstall any older SDKs from GHI first. You do not need to uninstall the USB drivers, as I don’t believe they have changed. Read through the readme files. They list what boards are or are not supported by each package. It will be confusing until everything has been migrated to 4.2, but that is a lot of work, so be patient. In some cases, like the Hydra, you have a choice on which firmware to install.

Thanks, ransomhall, but I haven’t understood something.

On the Support page there’s the following:

[quote]1. Microsoft Visual C# Express 2010

  1. Microsoft .NET Micro Framework 4.1 SDK
  2. GHI NETMF v4.1 and .NET Gadgeteer Package Apr. 23, 2012[/quote]

Which of 2 and 3 just got an update, and shpuldn’t I wait to the other to reach 4.2 to fully enjiy the new functionality? I believe this sounds like a noob’s questions, but, well, err, it’s a noob you’re dealing with. Care to elaborate, please?


The support page does NOT have 4.2 yet which is in beta still. If using beta from beta forum, then you are expected to know the details. If not, wait short weeks and it will all be up on support page. We are right on it :wink:

Thanks, Gus.
As always, prompt and to the point.


Do the Seeed Studio module to be included in the final release of 4.2 SDK?

this question should be directed to seeed.

Gus, any idea on who at Microsoft I can email to ask concerning the official release date of NetMF 4.2?

.NET MF team members also post on tinyclr so you might be anwsered here. I guess the current version will be the final one.

Microsoft did release 4.2 already. What do you mean?

Gralin, thanks.
There’s the NetMF 4.2 release and the GHI 4.2 release. These are (as I understand) two different things that are to be released together.
Am I wrong? Any idea when are these due?


Look at sticky on this forum about 4.2 plans. It is already out in beta.

Gus - NetMF final 4.2? All I see here [quote][/quote] is 4.1…

Look on codeplex

Current version is 4.2 RTM (QFE1). I thought you are asking when will it be named pure 4.2 - meaning final.