Spider NETMF Music Module RLP Driver

I ported my Panda 2 RLP music driver to the Cobra 1. Cobra 1 and Spider are both EMX controllers, and therefore the driver should work on the Spider as well.


Due to the available I/O lines on the Cobra UEXT connector, I ended up using SPI 2 and several GPIO pins that are not available on the two S connectors of the Spider. However, I created a header file for the RLP driver that should map those I/O lines to the Gadgeteer X9 connector of the Spider.

I don’t own a Spider, so I can’t test it, but I’m including the header file here if someone out there wants to give it a try. Note: This is not a Gadgeteer module driver, it uses plain old NETMF. If someone wants to port it to a Gadgeteer module that would also be great!

//	VS1053b RLP Driver Header for Spider Micro Controller

//  Spider (EMX) connected to VS1053b on Gadgeteer connector X9
// DREQ					Gadgeeter.X9.Pin.03		EMX.IO46	P0.13
// RESET				Gadgeeter.X9.Pin.04		EMX.IO6		P0.25
// XDCS					Gadgeeter.X9.Pin.05		EMX.IO7		P0.26
// XCS					Gadgeeter.X9.Pin.06		EMX.IO15	P3.25
// SCK					Gadgeeter.X9.Pin.09		EMX.IO27	P0.15
// MISO					Gadgeeter.X9.Pin.08		EMX.IO25	P0.17
// MOSI					Gadgeeter.X9.Pin.07		EMX.IO24	P0.18
// RED					none
// GREEN				none

//  VS1053b interface config for SSP0 (SPI1)
 #define DREQ_GPIO_CLR	PINSEL0 &= ~((0x03 << 26))	// set as GPIO
 #define RESET_GPIO_CLR	PINSEL1 &= ~((0x03 << 18))	// set as GPIO

 #define DREQ_GPIO_SET	FIO0DIR &= ~(1 << 13)		// set as input
 #define RESET_GPIO_SET	FIO0DIR |= (1 << 25)		// set as output

 #define XDCS_GPIO_CLR	PINSEL1 &= ~((0x03 << 20))	// set as GPIO
 #define XCS_GPIO_CLR	PINSEL7 &= ~((0x03 << 18))	// set as GPIO

 #define XDCS_GPIO_SET 	FIO0DIR |= (1 << 26)		// set as output
 #define XCS_GPIO_SET 	FIO3DIR |= (1 << 25)		// set as output

 #define SCK_GPIO_CLR	PINSEL0 &= ~((0x03 << 30))	// set as GPIO
 #define MISO_GPIO_CLR	PINSEL1 &= ~((0x03 << 2))	// set as GPIO
 #define MOSI_GPIO_CLR	PINSEL1 &= ~((0x03 << 4))	// set as GPIO

 #define SCK_GPIO_SET	PINSEL0 |= ((0x02 << 30))	// set as SCK
 #define MISO_GPIO_SET	PINSEL1 |= ((0x02 << 2))	// set as MISO
 #define MOSI_GPIO_SET	PINSEL1 |= ((0x02 << 4))	// set as MOSI

 #define SCI_CLOCKF_CFG	0x8800						// 3.5x multiplier, 1.0 add, 12.288 MHz clk
 #define SCI_MODE_CFG	0x0802						// allow MPEG I & II, VS1002 native mode

//  VS1053b Control
 #define DREQ			(FIO0PIN & (1UL << 13))		// is DREQ high?
 #define RESET_SET		(FIO0SET = (1UL << 25))
 #define RESET_CLR		(FIO0CLR = (1UL << 25))
 #define XDCS_SET		(FIO0SET = (1UL << 26))
 #define XDCS_CLR		(FIO0CLR = (1UL << 26))
 #define XCS_SET			(FIO3SET = (1UL << 25))
 #define XCS_CLR			(FIO3CLR = (1UL << 25))

//  SSP0 (SPI1) config and control
 #define SSP0_PWR_ON		PCONP |= (1 << 21)	// power on

 #define SSP0_INT		10			// TFE interrupt
 #define SSP0_INT_OFF	0x00		// disable interrupts
 #define SSP0_INT_ON		0x08		// enable TFE interrupt

 #define SSP0_CR0		0x07		// set DSS data to 8-bit, Frame format SPI, CPOL = 0, CPHA = 0 
 #define SSP0_CR1		0x02		// enable in master mode, normal operation 
 #define SSP0_CLKP_RD	0x12		// clk prescalar for reads  = 18 yields 4.0 MHz
 #define SSP0_CLKP_WR	0x0A		// clk prescalar for writes = 10 yields 7.2 MHz
 #define SSP0_CLKP_RST	0x48		// clk prescalar for reset  = 72 yields 1.0 MHz

 #define SSP0_TFE		(1 << 0)	// transmit fifo empty
 #define SSP0_TNF		(1 << 1)	// transmit fifo not full
 #define SSP0_RNE		(1 << 2)	// receive fifo empty
 #define SSP0_RFF		(1 << 3)	// receive fifo full
 #define SSP0_BSY		(1 << 4)	// SSP0 busy

//  LED Config
 #define RED_GPIO_SET				// none
 #define GREEN_GPIO_SET 				// none

//  LED Control
 #define RED_ON			
 #define RED_OFF			
 #define GREEN_ON		
 #define GREEN_OFF		

//  RLP Constants
 #define TASK_INTERVAL	10000	// (uSec)


Here is a list of things you need to do to use the Cobra 1 Music Driver on a Spider board.

Notes: [ul]I don’t own a Spider, so I can’t test these steps.
I built this using VS2010 Express, but you should be able to open it in VS2012 and convert it.
The driver is not a Gadgeteer module. It is meant to be used in a plain old NETMF console application. Hopefully someone will port it to Gadgeteer.
Please let me know if you encounter any problems.[/ul]

  1. Download and “install” the Cobra Music Player project from here:
  2. Download and install the Yagarto compiler and tool chain from these locations:
    Google Code Archive - Long-term storage for Google Code Project Hosting.
    Download YAGARTO
  3. Replace the contents of the VSDriver.h file with the listing in my previous post.
  4. If you want to play FLAC files, download the VS1053b Patches w/ FLAC Decoder plug-in here: VLSI Solution-VS10XX Patches
  5. Create an SD with this file structure:


  6. Copy your music albums and tracks to the SD card.
  7. Modify Program.cs to match your music file locations/names, and whether you want to load the FLAC plugin.
  8. Build the project and deploy to the Spider.