Spider LCD error message

I have been working on a new application and all of a sudden I am (on occasion) receiving this message in the T35 display.

ABORT Prefetch

Build Date:
Aug 22 2012

pc =0x000de462
lr =0x000de462
sp =0x4000f648

If I press the Spider Reset button I get a Blue Screen of death on my PC.
If I disconnect the USB cable from the Spider USB Client DP and reconnect I usually can deploy without error.

The attached GIF shows the output from MFDeploy if I try to erase if the message is as above.

I would suppose it is something caused by my code but I have no idea where to begin looking.

When I run the application it performs as expected.

It is not necessary that I receive a reply. I am asking because I am always curious… Especially about strange things :>)

This message that you see on display is BSOD from the device. Without seeing the code it would be hard to tell.

not sure what causes it, but I had something like it on the hydra, only reflashing the firmware helped for me.

BSOD from the device…
Now if I knew what a BSOD was … :>)

By device do you mean the Spider or one of the attached modules? I should have mentioned that the app build is using your .Net Micro 4.2. Reciently I have ‘repaired’ all of the software (Including Visual Stduio Express) and reflashed 4.2 for the Spider.

I can post the code but not sure it would help, Kinda large and not finished. It is actually a modification of some PS3 code for a XBox controller (found in Codeshare).
I wanted to use a SONY XBox controller and it is different for some aspects of the PS3 code. Also, I only wanted to use part of the code for the PS3. Not sure how much code the ‘powers to be’ want placed into this form?. I’ll place it here and if it is an issue please just delete this post.

I have the following modules attached: USB Client DP, USBHost, Button and the T35. Also using the DLL for Glide 4.2. The code I was using for Glide has been removed because it was not in my code when I received the error.

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Threading;
using Microsoft.SPOT;
using Microsoft.SPOT.Presentation;
using Microsoft.SPOT.Presentation.Controls;
using Microsoft.SPOT.Presentation.Media;
//using Microsoft.SPOT.Touch;

using GHI.Premium.USBHost;
using GHI.Premium.System;
using GHI.Premium.Hardware;

using GT = Gadgeteer;
using GTM = Gadgeteer.Modules;
using Gadgeteer.Modules.GHIElectronics;
using GTI = Gadgeteer.Interfaces;

//uses .Net Micro 4.2

namespace SonyControllerApp
    public partial class Program
        const int vendorId = 0x054c; //1356
        const int productId = 0x0268; //616

        static bool ifDebug = true;
        static bool IsConnected;

        static Sony360JoyController controller;

        static Thread SonyThread;
        static USBH_RawDevice SonyJoystick;
        static USBH_RawDevice.Pipe SonyInputPipe;
        static USBH_RawDevice.Pipe SonyOutputPipe;
        static byte[] SonyJoystickData = null;

        GT.Timer CheckTimer = new GT.Timer(200);

        //For Test interrupt Button
        //private GTI.InterruptInput interruptInput;

        // This method is run when the mainboard is powered up or reset.   
        void ProgramStarted()
            // create the controller connector
            controller = new Sony360JoyController();
            // watch for the controller being connected
            controller.ControllerConnected += ControllerConnected;

            button.ButtonPressed +=new Button.ButtonEventHandler(button_ButtonPressed);
            button.ButtonReleased +=new Button.ButtonEventHandler(button_ButtonReleased);
            // Subscribe to USBH event.
            USBHostController.DeviceConnectedEvent += DeviceConnectedEvent;
            // Unsubscribe to USBH event.
            USBHostController.DeviceDisconnectedEvent += DeviceDisconnectedEvent;

            /* Test interrupt Button used but not connected in Program.gadgeteer designer
            GT.Socket socket = GT.Socket.GetSocket(11, true, null, null);
            interruptInput = new GTI.InterruptInput(socket, GT.Socket.Pin.Three, GTI.GlitchFilterMode.On,
                GTI.ResistorMode.PullUp, GTI.InterruptMode.RisingEdge, null);
            interruptInput.Interrupt += new GTI.InterruptInput.InterruptEventHandler(EventInterrupt);

            CheckTimer.Tick += new GT.Timer.TickEventHandler(CheckTimer_Tick);

            // Use Debug.Print to show messages in Visual Studio's "Output" window during debugging.
            Debug.Print("Program Started. *** Ignore the message below: 'UsbHost ERROR : USB device not supported.'");

        void EventInterrupt(GT.Interfaces.InterruptInput sender, bool value)
            Debug.Print("interupt detected from " + sender);

        static bool allow = false;
        void CheckTimer_Tick(GT.Timer timer)
            if (IsConnected && allow)

        void ControllerConnected(object sender)

        void DeviceDisconnectedEvent(USBH_Device device)
            // Sony USBH_DeviceType.Joystick device.TYPE Joystick = 5,
            if (IsConnected && device.TYPE == USBH_DeviceType.Joystick && device.VENDOR_ID == vendorId && productId == productId)
                IsConnected = false;
                SonyInputPipe = null;
                SonyJoystickData = null;

        #region button events
        private void button_ButtonPressed(GTM.GHIElectronics.Button sender, GTM.GHIElectronics.Button.ButtonState state)
            allow = !allow;
        private void button_ButtonReleased(GTM.GHIElectronics.Button sender, GTM.GHIElectronics.Button.ButtonState state)
        #endregion button events

        private void DeviceConnectedEvent(USBH_Device device)
            if (SonyJoystickData != null)
                //we already have our controller connected so we will ignore any new events

            if (device.TYPE == USBH_DeviceType.Joystick && device.VENDOR_ID == vendorId && device.PRODUCT_ID == productId)
                if (ifDebug) { Debug.Print("A Sony XBox Controller Found"); }
                if (ifDebug) { Debug.Print("Press button to start(led ON) / stop(led OFF) reading data"); }

                SonyJoystick = new USBH_RawDevice(device);
                // Get descriptors
                USBH_Descriptors.Configuration cd = SonyJoystick.GetConfigurationDescriptors(0);

                // communication endpoint
                USBH_Descriptors.Endpoint SonyInputEndPoint = null;
                USBH_Descriptors.Endpoint SonyOutputEndPoint = null;

                for (int i = 0; i < cd.interfaces.Length; i++)
                    // SONY
                    if (cd.interfaces[i].bInterfaceSubclass == 0x0 && cd.interfaces[i].bInterfaceProtocol == 0x0)
                        if (cd.interfaces[i].endpoints.Length == 2)
                            int ep = 0;
                            //request the PS3 controller to send button presses etc back
                            //Host to device (0x00) | Class (0x20) | Interface (0x01), Set Report (0x09),
                            //  Report Type (Feature 0x03) - Report ID (0xF4), Host to device (0x00) - Endpoint 0 (0x00), data, dataoffset, datalength                       
                            // set configuration Sony
                            SonyJoystick.SendSetupTransfer(0x00, 0x09, cd.bConfigurationValue, 0x00);

                            //XBoxJoystick.SendSetupTransfer(33, 9, 1012, 0, buf, 0, 4);

                          // XBoxJoystick.SendSetupTransfer(0x21, 0x09, 0x03F4, 0x0000, buf, 0x00, 0x04);
                            //XBoxJoystick.SendSetupTransfer(0x21, 0x09, 0x03F4, 0x0000, buf, 0x00, 0x04);

                            SonyInputEndPoint = cd.interfaces[i].endpoints[ep]; // get endpoint
                            SonyInputPipe = SonyJoystick.OpenPipe(SonyInputEndPoint); // open pipe
                            SonyInputPipe.TransferTimeout = 0; // recommended for interrupt transfers


                            SonyOutputEndPoint = cd.interfaces[i].endpoints[ep];
                            SonyOutputPipe = SonyJoystick.OpenPipe(SonyOutputEndPoint);
                            SonyOutputPipe.TransferTimeout = 0;

                            // we should read as fast as possible 
                            SonyThread = new Thread(ReaderThread) { Priority = ThreadPriority.Highest };
                            // create the polling thread
                IsConnected = true;
                if (IsConnected)

        private void ReaderThread()
            int count;

            // Maximum data is wMaxPacketSize
            SonyJoystickData = new byte[SonyInputPipe.PipeEndpoint.wMaxPacketSize];

            // Read every bInterval
            while (true)
                count = 0;
                lock (SonyJoystickData)
                        count = SonyInputPipe.TransferData(SonyJoystickData, 0, SonyJoystickData.Length);
                        USBH_ERROR e = USBHostController.GetLastError();
                        Debug.Print("ERROR" + e);
                        Array.Clear(SonyJoystickData, 0, SonyJoystickData.Length);
                        count = 0;

                if (count > 3 && allow)
                    int i = 0;
                    Debug.Print("In ReaderThread");
/* Not using this except for a test
                    Debug.Print("=" +
                        ByteToHex(SonyJoystickData[i++]) + " " + ByteToHex(SonyJoystickData[i++]) + " " + ByteToHex(SonyJoystickData[i++]) + " " + ByteToHex(SonyJoystickData[i++]) + " " +
                        ByteToHex(SonyJoystickData[i++]) + " " + ByteToHex(SonyJoystickData[i++]) + " " + ByteToHex(SonyJoystickData[i++]) + " " + ByteToHex(SonyJoystickData[i++]) + " " +
                        ByteToHex(SonyJoystickData[i++]) + " " + ByteToHex(SonyJoystickData[i++]) + " " + ByteToHex(SonyJoystickData[i++]) + " " + ByteToHex(SonyJoystickData[i++]) + " " +
                        ByteToHex(SonyJoystickData[i++]) + " " + ByteToHex(SonyJoystickData[i++]) + " " + ByteToHex(SonyJoystickData[i++]) + " " + ByteToHex(SonyJoystickData[i++])

        public static string ByteToHex(byte b)
            const string hex = "0123456789ABCDEF";
            int low = b & 0x0f;
            int high = b >> 4;
            string s = new string(new char[] { hex[high], hex[low] });
            return s;

    } //class
} //namespace

//In another file
namespace SonyControllerApp
    public class Sony360JoyController
        // Declare the delegate (if using non-generic pattern).
        public delegate void SonyConnectedHandler(object sender);
        // Declare the event.
        public event SonyConnectedHandler ControllerConnected;

BSOD = Blue Screen Of Death :wink:

Wish I could help a bit more but I can recommend one thing to avoid the blue screen of death. Before pressing the reset on the board always make sure your visual studio is no longer trying to debug. I have it sometimes when it seems to lock up, if you dont ensure visual studio is not debugging then it will blue screen the instant you press the reset button.

I often find a full reset (e.g pulling the power from the gadgeteer board) will fix this sort of problem, for some reason the reset button doesnt do enough to clear it.

come bodwad - sorry, but you’re probably better off in a different thread than this one :wink:

There’s known issues and you will find several other posts on this to help minimise the potential for BSOD on Windows when deployment doesn’t work


Thanks for the advice.