SPI2 - Which pin

Hi, trying to connect a device to SPI2. But which pin (ChipworkX.Pin) do I use when SPI.Configuration.


I noticed on the FEZ documentation its got FEZmini.Pin.Di2x.


The configuration doesn’t take pins, only SPI1 or SPI2. I am not sure what you need.

Oh sorry,

I have a module that, which I have connected to SPI2 on the board. I now want to read/write from it.

This is how far I got with it. But not sure where I go from here…

SPI.Configuration sd = new SPI.Configuration((Cpu.Pin)ChipworkX.Pin.

That first parameter is the pin for ChipSelect (SSEL or CS), the other pins are automatically selected when you use SPI2

The book should explain a bit more on how SPI works

Yes, sorry I totally forgot about the select pin.

I’m plugging this in



Why are you plugging SD socket on SPI bus?! ChipworkX already supports SD cards and there is one on the development system

I keep getting
An unhandled exception of type ‘System.IO.IOException’ occurred in Microsoft.SPOT.IO.dll when trying to access the sd card. So, I’m trying a SD module I have.

More detail is in another forum