SPI Display support?

I may not be looking at the correct page but is there documentation on using a SPI display e.g. - ST7735 ?

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Hi, we don’t have nuget for this display yet.

Microsoft has one iot/src/devices/Ili934x at main · dotnet/iot (github.com). But this screen is 320x240, you can change the screen.

Other option is, take TinyCLR Driver TinyCLR-Drivers/Sitronix/ST7735/ST7735.cs at dev · ghi-electronics/TinyCLR-Drivers (github.com)

This is c# and easy to add to your project with a little changes.

To me, the one from TinyCLR Driver is much simpler.

Question. Would that SPI display also support all the UI stuff from Avalona?

No, only native display supports Avalona

Beside Avalonia, we are still looking for simple UI for Endpoint, probably Glide that supports all our screen types.

GHIElectronics.TinyCLR.Drivers.Sitronix.ST7735 is pushed up. Just seach it from Nuget Manager.


I mean “GHIElectronics.Endpoint.Drivers.Sitronix.ST7735”, not TinyCLR :slight_smile:


Thanks @Dat_Tran - I had started to modify the drivers, but now I don’t have to :grinning: