Sparkfun @ Detroit Maker Faire


And check out the headgear that appears around 3min in. :slight_smile:

I just loved the endure race :smiley:

He was wearing a Fez.

@ Duke Nukem - This reminded me about the site that makes fezes. Any news from them?

Got an email from them today and forwarded it on to GHI so they can forward it to Gus as they are looking for the image file so they can start creating the design.

Will they be ready for the NYc Maker Faire at the end of September? :slight_smile:

If my wife caught me, she would kill me or worse.

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Will take all your gadgets away?! :slight_smile:

Exactly! My gadgets…

That looks like so much fun, wish there was something like that over here… :frowning: