Some free advice

So the first batch of Carolina’s Reaper peppers were good to go…

So the boy and i decided to dry the first batch in the oven for a few hours which put off an enticing smell but also slightly pungent alarm bells rang about the coming heat…

Being a manly man i decided to crush the dozen or so peppers between thumb and forefinger.

Due to them being nice and dry they crushed easily but in hindsight the fine powered that was also made should really have raised more concern even after dabbing the smallest amount on the tongue which burnt like crazy for a few minutes…

Now…heres the free bit of advice…

Even after washing your hands a couple of times DO NOT REARRANGE YOUR MAN BITS after crushing the above peppers…

The three plus hours of extreme pain after doing this is something i will not forget in a hurry…

Carolina Reaper Chili dust and testicles do not make for a happy combination :flushed:


Ha ha … I had a similar incident before

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Normal heat chilies are bad enough when handling but it wasn’t my man bits that got it, but my eyes that got touched. If you think cutting onions are bad, try chili residue.

I now wear gloves when handling chilies and you can understand why you see chefs doing this on TV.